Bonnie Phillips Gardiner I have no education in art at all, other than what I took in high school, however I have been a freelance graphic artist most of my life. Even as a teen I did work for clients of my mother's when she had her at home typesetting service. When I grew up and basically ran away from learning drafting at Cape Fear Technical Institute, I went to work for a small print shop, a client of my mother's, and stayed there for seven and a half years. During that time I did all sorts of art work including portraits, but mostly I did camera ready commercial art; typical line drawings for ads and illustrations in books and newspapers and such. Time passed, I grew up, had a house built, got married, had two kids, lost the house to forclosure and got divorced. Now I am 33 and married again and have a new son. This time, however, I am an at home mom and I have done very little "commercial" art since I have been home. Instead I have been learning to use Povray and Terragen and various other art programs and enjoying myself. I hope you like the results! I have also been learning web design, and though I realise this site is super boring, no Java or anything, just tables, I am still quite proud of this design for its simplicity. So, let me know what you think! Thanks! |