What comics do Agape Comics produce?
We have two titles right now: Zena and Cafe de Angelo. There are links to them which will tell you more about the series.
Most of your characters profess to be Christians... Why is that so?
I happen to be a Christian myself and I wanted a cool way to tell people the Gospel message. I also wanted to let them know that it wasn't the let-down people on TV say it is. Take Zena for example! No way did her life slow down when she chose Jesus! She made a decision to say NO to sin. That's one of the hardest things for people to do when they come to Christ. I will tell you this, IT"S WORTH IT! :)
Who is Meeka?
<Raises hand> That would be me! Look to your left and you can find out more about her! :)
How did you come up with Zena?
Zena is a character idea I had on May 17, 1995. I loved it so much I marked the date and started drawing. Originally, she was a human, but I put Meeka in her outfit and inspiration smacked me upside the head like a mallet. For the first time, the story came alive for me! I reworked it ALOT, but the final one is going to be the actual comic book :)
What about Cafe de Angelo?
I don't know the exact date that I came up with Stacie and Lana, but I do know that this story has changed a bit with time as well. After reading Ranma 1/2, I got a better idea of how the interpersonal repertoire (witty banter ;) was going to work. Not only that I got inspired to put in some new characters :) I also changed the design so that its a kind of psuedo-manga that you would see in Archie Comics NIGHTS.
Any future comic titles?
That's hard to say... I think Zena and Cafe will keep me pretty busy! (Not that I don't have ideas mind you :) I actually have a futuristic adventure in mind. Its called "Rebel Radio 3000". I'll put up some more info about it later on (when the kindly site willing to host this series gets up and running :) That said, anything that's new will be posted to the What's New page.