�an�otse She gave birth.
�an�t�no She is in labor.
��eameohtse. He/She is walking now.
��eamevonehne. He/She is crawling now.
�he'k��va He is wet.
�hest�otse He was born.
�h�heehe He is wrapped.
h�hk�ha'e cradleboard (softbacked with hood)
�ho's�htsen��htse He is drooling.
�h�se'e She is pregnant.
m�'�ev�tse baby; m�'�evoto babies
n�hpe'�hest�tse diaper
�nene He is nursing/sucking.
�no'kon�ne He has one tooth.
N�t�h�no'�e'tov�hema Let's go hold the baby!
p�hoe�est�tse cradleboard (hardbacked)
�p�o'�om�ho She is carrying him on her back with a blanket.
�toenova She delivered; she midwifed (the baby; literally, She held).
�t�n�st�he�e'hama How many months old is he? (Also can mean 'How many months along (in her pregnancy) is she?')
v�e'�se tooth; v�es�tse teeth
�hev�es�ne He's teething.