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Participate in building a complete model of being human because science is a community effort. The uncharted territory to explore is the holographic mind. The resources that I am using to create a coherent model are the recently developed mathematics of fuzzy systems, fractals, self organizing systems, cellular automata, neural nets. "Play" is the first experience of being self organizing and creative.

The brain is a biological neural network in which modern scientific research has discovered structural properties that are similar to a hologram.

The types of neural networks that can exist in biological systems are self organizing. This means that biological brains cannot be supervised, or controlled or taught by sources outside its physical boundaries. The importance of this is that using only neural networks human culture is biological impossible!

So how did the human species evolve culture, and all the power of group learning passed down for generations outside of biological constraints. By the development of language as meta maps that allow actual brain sharing even though each individual is still constrained by self organization to form their own implementations of these identical maps.

This is a linking of the inhibitory computational properties of the neocortex to form meta structures that have fractal properties especially of a cantor dust that can interface with "white light" holograms to separate the frequencies as a defraction grating. This was pointed to by the Taoists pictorial representation of the I Ching and can be constructed from an information connectivity with the real local cosmos!

It is the purpose of this chapter to explain these statements and later chapters to show what are the consequences and implications for religion and science. There are many pieces to this jigsaw puzzle or cards to this deck. I will not presume to teach the detailed nature of these immense subjects, but to explain how they fit together and to use the material introduced here in later chapters on religion and my model of reality. I will provide what I hope is a guide thru this forest of new research into the new view as given by science of reality as complex self organizing and self regulating systems in which chaotic processes are the stuff from which emerges life.

WWW Links [under construction] Holography: explaination
Holographic Mind: biology
Fractals: explainations
Cellular Automata
Self Organizing Systems
Neural Nets: Intro


What is holography and how does it relate to the universe and Mind. The brain has been demonstrated to have holographic properties. This material process is used to "represent" a process that happens in the brain and maybe a basic structure of the universe.

The problem of evolution and intelligence is of how to find procedures that work in a holographic information space where all information exists at every single separate point of the space. How to create differentiation, separation and new procedures to resolve fuzzy, blurred, and fused holographic patterns which result in "new" holographic mind when all hologramic spaces are "fuzzy". Having a holographic basis of reality of "The One Mind" connected everywhere mean the opposite of what humans call intelligence. There is no "person" at the root of or separate from holographic mind to "reconstruct and view" holographic "memory". This self or person who is conscious is made of the same holograms, but has the fiction or illusion of viewing something separate: consciousness "extracts" itself from itself! This means that all the procedures used by all life forms throughout evolutionary time are also in a holographic form and are all present in our consciousness: all time is now!

The physical hologram is used to store images and information. Other uses such as recognition are under development. Yet I do not confuse a physical analogy with the real cognitive processes. So what are the characteristics of a hologram that make it seem like a brain?

If you are not aquatinted with holography, then here is a short description. It is usually a film which is made without a lens and using a laser light that is split into two parts. One part is directed to the surface of the film and the other half illuminates the scene to be photographed and is then reflected to the surface of the film where is combines directly with the other half of the original light source. No focusing lens is used to produce an image on the film that correlates point by point with the scene as the eye does on the retina. Each point on the film receives light from the entire scene. Thus the entire scene can be viewed from any location on the film because what is recorded is the way in which the split light beams interfere with each other.

This process is not easily visualized because it is not in the realm of images or objects or separate locations. All the information about the entire scene is located at each single point on the holographic media, usually film. It is as if one connected lines of light from every point on the film to every point on the scene or objects being "holographed". I guess photographed is no longer an appropriate word. Thus no part of the film corresponds to a separate part of the scene: one cannot find an object located anywhere separate from the other objects. No matter how many small or large parts the film is divided into, if one shined a laser light of the same frequency that was used to record the hologram back thru the film, one would see the entire scene as viewed from the location of that piece. If the scene recorded was an entire dinner table from the floor to the ceiling filled with dishes and bottles, then viewing from a piece of the film near the floor, one would see only the underside / bottom of the table, and viewing from a piece at the top, one would see the top of the dishes like a birds eye view. From the left middle one would see those objects that were in front and hiding other objects behind them and from the right the hidden objects would be visible exactly as if one moved ones eyes from left to right at the level of the table top. So what is viewed is exactly the light that was recorded reaching the film at that point.

The "trick" is using light that is "coherent"! This means that the light is separated into a single energy structure where all the crests and troughs of the light waves are synchronized, and usually only a single frequency or color is present. So when the light is split into two parts, the part that is reflected changes the original according to the way it was reflected from the objects in the scene. It is as if two cling plastic wrap were cut from a box and the first one landed on the wall, and the second was wrapped around the scene, and retaining the shape of the scene. Then the second one was used to put its imprint onto the original flat cling wrap, but at right angles and at every point of this "reference" sheet, that retained the shape it had in the storage box, as if when you compressed the plastic into a ball, it transferred its information about the shape of the scene onto the reference plastic and you could do this at all points at once.

Thus the sheets started out exactly the same, but the second sheet was "deformed" or reshaped by the scene. A mathematical fact about this process is that at least one point on the deformed object sheet will not be deformed, but will remain the same as original source. If one knows where that point is, one can use it as reference and in effect do away with the second sheet for reconstruction. [check on the accuracy of this] This fixed point will become useful later in our inquiry.

[ In the course of evolution my conjecture is that the human species discovered this as a process during the course of development of the neocortex, and that that process is the basis of the human "self and language". Since evolution is a discovery process and there is not a "person" who discovers things and then begins to use them, there is no direct way to "know ourselves" in reference to these inner processes. We humans benefit from the use of these processes, but we do not install or incorporate them. We only know or understand a greater or expanding consciousness without knowing what causes it. If my hypothesis lead to working predictive theories, then humans will begin to understand how to look for questions because we are given the answers as completed developments. Sort of like the game show "Jeopardy". The Buddhists called this selling water by the river: it is right in front of us all the time, but we don't expect to find it. The hypothesis of this book is that religion and spiritual traditions and the "Arts" have been sending us messages of self reference in which humans are given the answers to reveal the structures of mind and life processes. Only because of this very structure do we fit those answers to the wrong questions. A direct example is the story in the Judaio Christian book of Genesis of "Creation": we have interpreted this answer that appeared in some or many human minds as a message from a divine power concerning the nature of physical reality, instead of the nature of moving from the holographic level of our neural nets where everything is connected to everything else with varying strengths [structure] to the level of consciousness that allows us to operate on a rational world of reality and separate objects. To have a direct exposure to the holographic foundation of consciousness, as can be done with hallucinogenic drugs that were used in prehistoric cultures, would expose humans to a chaos: void without form. [ use quote from bible]


What the myth of creation refers to:

In this biblical account, the first act of separating day from night indicates that creating or using coherence is the first step. It may be a first step in evolution needed to produce self organization, or the first step needed to create a holographic mind, but it is certainly the first step in creating consciousness. This coherence as a basis of consciousness is derived from cycles of the cosmos which include not only the earth's rotation and all the planetary orbits, but also the sun itself moving around the galactic center and the movements of the galaxy itself. All of these movements are studied in the theories of chaos and self organizing systems. The study of order emerging out of fluctuations includes chemical cycles. [?]

[ A note to the rational mind of scientists: I will write about the scientific method and my criticisms and support of same in a later chapter, but this book does not carry a "scientific" or "religious" bias. So I will present personal experience of my life for whatever value in directing my search, but not as supporting evidence or indication of some belief system. I am looking for fits of modern thought with traditional values and this may change bias in both areas. For instance, I see the Christian creation myth as an insight into the process by which the formless chaos of the basic brain hologram is transformed into form and map of consciousness. I personally do not see it as referring to evolution or the "World of reality".]

So how is this Chaos of the basic hologram transformed into "consciousness"? First, by becoming too literal with the hologram metaphor, the first stages of process seem to have been missed, namely that the hologram is not transformed into an internal image, but worked on directly by different brain areas and the results of these procedures are blended into a unified "experience". We know that certain specialized areas of the brain work on specialized tasks, like face recognition. I will detail how the most important data for non-human life is smell which fits the holographic model for simple procedures. Processing a single molecule seems to be near to the first developments of intelligence.

There is uncontrovertibly scientific proof from many sources starting in the 1950's [? exact?] that the basic structure of the brain has the properties of a hologram and operates with and on these properties. This information is presented at the level of nerve cells and the totality of measured electric values at the interface or connections between thousands of other nerve cells with the body of a single cell. My reach is beyond the limits of scientific measurement into understanding how these findings synergize with our human experience and other approaches to the brain. One experience is of the eidetic "memory" [mind] that some individuals can operate with which allows them to "memorize" a page of a book with a single glance as if they took an internal picture of it. To me, this points to the holographic level of processing which is available to a few. [Many studies have been reported in other sources TAG]

Hologram and neural networks

In the field of mathematics that studies the theory of abstract "neural" networks, they are described as being totally connected with each connection having different "weights" or values that are the information and process structure of the network. To me, this points to the same structure as a hologram! They are identical, which leads to the surmise that holograms can also be computational processors. That is, they can come up with answers to inputs. Now isn't that a definition of intelligence? So if the universe is a hologram as some scientists have proposed, then isn't the universe itself, thru this connectivity, intelligence? But within this context, there is no "separate self" to know or use or "create" separate references for this intelligence. So if a tree falls in a forest with no one to "observe" it, does an "event" really take place? This question of self reference becomes moot when the hologram is extended over dimensions, so at another time any event could be observed. Thus this is a problem of the neocortex which in humans handles Time and events and selves / observers, as will be shown thru computations using the fixed point, and does not arise as a problem for the reality of the mid brain and other structures of intelligence. But why would this be an issue at all? The new explorations into quantum theory of reality describe a very strange physics in which separate localized reality only comes into existence, or emerges from a background "field" when it is observed. This sounds like operations of holographic mind projected onto a world of physics. In seeing the physics of separate mechanical events break down in this century, maybe the scientists are again asking the wrong questions to which they already have the answer, namely, is reality characterized as either mechanical particles with energy that have location, or is it fields. My question is if reality is really a conscious process whose results or answers are "particles with energy and location".
Stacked holograms

I mentioned that holograms could exist in time dimensions. Dealing with the properties and physics of other "material" dimensions is beyond this book, but the properties of stacked holograms allows for computations over time or referencing a time vector within a single "meta" hologram. If the angle that the reference beam is applied to the film, many separate holograms can be recorded on the same film and be reconstructed [viewed] with the coherent source at the same angle. Change the angle of the light to the film and recover different holograms.

Thus, in imagining what the mind needs to represent a moving dynamic reality, a process is needed which can deal with discrete moments of time as sequences. The idea of a linear tape one frame at a time where the information is recorded by scanned lines is not appealing. The holographic property of recording "on top of" previous information by changing the "angle" of the reference beam may be possible explanation of how the brain can deal with time and movement. The amount of "storage" space to record separate images of movement, even in the brain, would be enormous. So the vision and other senses can use this overlaying holographic process after the first step of image resolution. Then additional cognitive processes can be applied directly to the interference patterns which appear distributed throughout the area of the brain dealing with that information. Thus parallel processing can take place on identical inputs. At later stages, information can be integrated without "translation" because the brain uses consistent internal interference pattern structuring for all processes. Thus the results of one level of holographic cognitive process is output as another holographic pattern by applying different types of coherent. This is equivalent to different weights between layers of fully connected neural networks.

Frequency stacking

The change of an angle within a fixed frequency is a phase shift. Another property of holograms is frequency stacking: any number of holograms can be stacked using different frequencies. This introduces organization based on levels of resolution because different frequencies can "see" different "size" objects or as we now say, different byte or pixel sizes are needed for seeing different levels of detail.

Frequencies of EMF [light and magnetism] are not the only kinds of resolution used, but are the easiest to describe. The use of large pixels to block out faces or body parts in TV pictures is now common. If you use a pixel size larger than eyes, mouth or nose, then those objects are recognizable, even though one can still see movement. Colors of different frequencies that are separated in different pictures can be superimposed to make a composite as is done in TV weather maps. If the weather man wore cloths of the same color as the map, then it would appear that they were wearing the map. The standard 3 color TV sets work on this principle of separation of function resulting in a composite complete picture. Now if different pixel size was used for different types of information, then you would have a metaphor for how the brain processes different senses and combines them into a single reality.

Levels of time resolution

An important level of resolution is in the time dimension. If 2 versus 12 pieces of information taken at different times are processed, one arrives at different cognitive conclusions for different uses. In a fight or flight situation, one cannot wait for more than "friend or foe" information. But applying "Black or white" measures to complex fuzzy situations destroys the complexity as was done by pre-scientific culture [religion]. Such concepts as Karma, Fate, and predestination are really a misapplication of levels of resolution: looking at contexts as if there was only one "path" or "Way".

Dimension stacking

So far inputs and construction of holograms have been considered, but what is the property of output or viewing holograms. First one needs the same coherent source at the same frequency and phase angle to retrieve the information. This is called a reconstructed wave front and needs a lens to focus the information into an image if that is what is wanted. An eye works just as it would with the original light, but one can also focus in the third dimension. If a scientist took a hologram of a liquid containing many different organisms that are constantly moving, the hologram would "freeze" the scene so that the person could search with a microscope for any and all organisms at any depth in the liquid.

Fragmentation and levels of resolution

If only a fragment of the hologram is used, then the location changes the viewpoint from which information is processed. In a visual space this can be trivial, but in a conceptual space of cognition, this may result in association or hiding of data based only on assumptions that the scene is in fewer dimensions. Thus the viewpoint is not changed because of a belief that there is no 3rd or more dimensions from which to conceptually view a situation. Thus empathy and mature "love" involves a higher dimensional view of self and other at the same time from different viewpoints, whereas children expect unconditional love only from their viewpoint.

Another property of reconstruction is size of the fragment which creates different levels of resolution of the reconstructed image by scanning at different rates or over different distances. The more is scanned the more detail is recovered. A very small opening would get the whole picture, but maybe only in outlines or edges with very little detail. So holograms recorded at a fixes level of resolution can be subdivided into courser levels of resolution, but not finer. I will later introduce the idea that cultures as well as individuals have set functioning levels which limit their conceptual processes. When science introduced higher standards for determination of "Truth", in effect a finer level of resolution was introduced, somewhat captured in the idea of the paradigm.

Defraction gratings or rules resolve fuzzy merged holograms.

In evolving life forms, there is no predetermined necessity to develop a particular process in a particular order. So there is no necessity to develop single frequency holographic processes. This points to "white light" or multi-frequency interference patterns. These patterns resolve into blurred fuzzy information, which can be separated into single frequencies by using coherent defraction gratings as filters. In the physical world, they are constructed of parallel bars and openings of a certain coherent size. The distance between the edges of the bars separate a single frequency out of the white light. I believe that movement or cycles of the cosmos provide a structural model from which life processes would construct the equivalent of a defraction grating. Multiple gratings can be used to access different levels of resolution. So my thesis is that cognitive evolution is development of these processes into more complex uses, not an imposition from outside sources of predefined cosmic process.

My model of the mind introduced in the next chapter uses all these properties.


The light from the world or scene is equally present at all points. Thus any small or large part of the hologram contains the whole picture. Also, since this is a model of a full connection with all points, it is also a model of a fully connected neural network. Second, holograms can be stacked in the same space. Access to the reconstruction is a self reference process: a hologram is "seen" by shinning a laser of the same frequency and angle back thru the film. Thus self organization is part of the process.

Also holograms can be best illustrated with air as smell and water with taste. A scent is distributed throughout the air and many different scents can be present at the same place. The same is true for the equal distribution of taste in a liquid. Thus even at night a full scent picture of an environment can be present for processing. This is like the components / elements of a scene in a hologram which are distributed across a neural net like a scent. Thus there are different processors that recognize selected individual scents and every item gives off a scent. The intensity of direction in different directions may give somewhat of a dimensional or spacial orientation. So in humans, we have substituted words for scents! We attach word meaning whereas animals attach scent meaning, and without scent something doesn't exist for the animal. This also is a better metaphor for resonance between layers as if taste is allowed to permeate to different food layers. This is a good way in which to understand process.

Thus all areas of the hologram and the brain contain the same information and can be processed to acquire information for different systems. The "raw" pattern can be directly connected to movement centers which would explain how actions can be so fast in life forms that do not have elaborate and complex decision processes. Training in martial arts [Tia Chi Chuan and Aikido] have shown me that I can respond directly even to intentions before they are expressed in action. Thus I conclude that these holographic patterns can be expressed in electromagnetic or other fields. They are available to those psychics that can do psychometery: reading or acquiring a pattern from a personal article belonging to another unknown person. A personal close friend of mine explained one incident when she was working as a consultant for a large city police department. She was able to see thru the eyes of the lost Alzheimer elderly person and identify the scene that he was seeing, since it was a local park where she had taken her children many times. This implies that the personal codes or procedures that constitute what we refer to a "self" is also holographic.

The math of these transformations is found in Fractal geometry and Cellular Automata. Fractals is a word coined from fractional dimensions. One of the basic seemingly self evident assumptions made about reality is that it exists in 3 dimensions. This is also a projection of our map of reality and the calculation of how we move within this reality. Three dimensions of 90 deg. is an accident of our human structure which has a front and back, two sides or left/right, and head and feet or up/down. Physical structures, as Buckminster Fuller pointed out, builds itself around 6 dimensions or 60 degrees. Neural networks use "hypercubes" of many dimensions in calculations. Our three dimensions are really directions or vectors or coordinate systems by which our human consciousness constructs plans or skemas that organize our world, but plants and other natural systems like cloud, mountains, ocean coastlines and internal structures like the connectivity of our neural networks and our blood vessels exist in a fractional space somewhere between the whole number dimensions of directions. [East, West, North, South, Earth and Heaven] This coordinate space provides the ability to calculate locations, and the direction and distance to connect these locations based on movement from one place to another. In the context of holograms there is no "place" only viewpoint and there is no need to move anywhere because one is already everywhere. So what are dimensions and calculations and coordinates within this context. What emerges is holoprocess where the next state is calculated simultaneously for and within the entire context or holouniverse. There is no location or movement only a change of perspective and viewpoint. What was in front is now behind or objects change their betweenness and connections.

Thus I see that "reality" has dimension based only on use and viewpoint: on our process and connections. Humans are usually involved with single processes: in doing one thing at a time and being in one definite location. Thus we are using one dimensional CA: our next state or moment of consciousness is based within a linear process of sequences. We do not conceive of moving all objects at once. In two or more dimensional CA the next state involves simultaneous moves across the entire space with the calculations based on the context and neighborhood and defined rules. Things happen at many locations at once and the idea of direction and orientation looses its common meaning. What is operated on is based on the mathematics of relationships and connections. Thus the idea of location transforms into shared context. In what human area does this identity or coherence existing at many places at once and operating as to context take place? In language and words and culture, so it follows that language operates on our holographic brain in a 2 or more dimensional space as a holoprocess. This is what I see pointed to as a shared cultural brain by the primary religious action in all cultures of gathering together within a single enclosed space called a temple, mosque, church, etc.

In my model, multidimensional holoprocess as a basis for shared mind and culture is also an explanation for so called extrasensory mind "reading" or a seeming awareness of others thoughts. Thus my model sees this process as one of simultaneous identical next state computations: it is not a thought originating at a single location and read by or transferred to another location, but is a holoprocess with different viewpoints. Some persons have described this experience as if they became the other person. This is not far from the ideas of possession by "foreign" entities or spirits. This again refers to the idea that we are "separate" in all aspects, whereas my model sees individuality as like a telephone number which on a rotary phone was an address given as phase angles or viewpoints. Thus we share the same cultural hologram, but all have a different set of views by which reconstruct our personal reality or remember who we are. Thus our individual localized Mind is an operation on a shared One Mind that as a hologram is everywhere and all knowing. This operation takes place in a phase space of angles or distances from the crests of waves, and not in a physical location. Thus what even one person thinks or does can vibrate or be accessed in the entire space shared by all humans and life. In this regard ethics makes more sense than mere political control or the extension of the control of a spiritual super-hero father-in-heaven. Looking at "control" as the human developmental stage before puberty and self organization, I would describe ethics and morality as signs of developmental immature culture when humans do not know their responsibilities. But I get ahead of myself to material more fully developed in other chapters on religion.

I see the transformation of holograms into reality consciousness within which humans are aware of a self that operated in an environment as modeled by CA with levels of resolution or scaling. Thus different processes can select different scales or sizes for the "cells" of CA. Here in analysis and map production the task is to discover the "rules" that the points of the hologram follow and thus produce a "memory" as a rule that can reproduce the hologram.

It seems that working with or directly processing the hologram has escaped many in understanding the processes of the mind. Human consciousness seems to process "finished" images so it is easy to be confused by anthropomorphizing mental processes into maps, images, words and an agent that thinks about or processes these images as the self or ego. Thus modern western science has missed until recently that the observer is part of the process and the procedures of the self are integrated within the scene / image that is experienced as "out there". Buddhist "science" has long been working with the mind as it really produces the illusion of reality. It is amazing that even the self is a construction transformed from and contained in the basic brain / mind hologram. All objects of consciousness contain many angles and scales of procedure: it is as if and maybe directly so that the images and thoughts of consciousness are really the "light" or coherent source that can be used to reconstruct and access the inner hologram. Thus meditation and the arts look within by using reality to access mind as if mind is only the surface shining in the wrong direction.

Since all processes arise from dealing with a holographic process, then change can take place by conscious intentional imaging, which then is translated into the full connectivity of human neural networks and then becomes a hologram that can be integrated into the body DNA structure. Thus I do not view "evolution" as mere accidental mutations. The implementation of different "wishes" that come true is accidental enough in their unforeseen consequences. Life can be what it wills to be, yet this is still experimental in its essence and outcomes.

Using a hologram has a large leverage since each aspect of computation can be done to the same standard input since the hologram is unified at all locations. Also the computational procedure can be extended to areas outside of its scope to produce symbolic and metaphor behavior. This can be the basis of language and mapping: computations done / operating on all aspects for a unified map. Thus the self is that kind of procedure.

This may be the definition of the self: a hologram working on a holographic input.

Within my model using the cosmos,

the idea of putting the earth in the place or orbit of the other planets can be that kind of computational fuzziness. Then the grammatical placement of the planets by viewing the heliocentric position from "As If" positions create past - future tense and views / biases as left and right and centralist.

It may be that the planets in their phase angle show a procedure for laying down stacked holograms and re-accessing, but also change the amount of interference or spread versus location and image?

How are the products of each computation combined? It can be by the studio of the mind where the emptiness of certain complements is filled in by each interlocking computation. The emptiness is being at a certain base dimension as topological whole number, whereas the computations are fractal between dimensions. It is like a TV weather man who by wearing cloths of a specified color without a pattern can be projected on a map background. Thus each area of computation can be separated by being in a different dimension.