Campos Mágnéticos de 50 Hz y las radiaciones ultravioleta

Interesantes estudios llevados a cabo en "Radiation Laboratory" de la Universidad de Kuopio (Finlandia)

Cultivos (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) como modelo de organismo para estudiar los efectos biológicos de los campos magnéticos de 50 Hz y la radiación ultravioleta.

La finalidad de este estudio es examinar el mecanismo de los bioefectos de los campos magnéticos de baja frecuencia (MF), especialmente como la exposición a los MF puede modificar la respuesta de las células eucariótidas a la radiación ultravioleta (UV).

Estamos utilizando células muestras de cultivos SEy210 como un organismo modelo porque su genética es bien conocida y la hace ideal para estudios biológicos. Estamos analizando el ciclo de la célula, unidades formando colonias, y la expresión de genes sensitivos a los campos magnéticos en las células de fermentación expuestas.


Efectos de la radiación ultravioleta UV y los campos magnéticos de 50 Hz en el desarrollo de tumores de piel en ratones.

La finalidad del proyecto d einvestigación es estudiar el posible efecto de los campos magnéticos de 50 Hz en el desarrollo de tumores en pieles radiadas con UV. Otra línea de actuación es el estudio de los mecanismos de dicho efecto. Los ratones transgénicos denotan ornitinadecarboxilasa (ODC) y otros ratones no trasgénicos se exponen a efectos simulados solares con radiaciones ultravioletala antes o después de exponerlo a lso campos magnéticos. Se recogen muestras de la piel para su análisis y realizar ensayos de apoptosis, proporciones de proteinas, hormonas y enzimas.

Referencias y publicaciones



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Juutilainen J: Biological interactions and health effects of electromagnetic fields. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance, July 28-31, 1992 Kuopio. Lahtinen T (ed.) University of Kuopio 1992: 2-4.

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Huuskonen H, Juutilainen J, Komulainen H: Effects of low frequency magnetic fields on fetal development in rats. Bioelectromagnetics 14:205-213, 1993.

Juutilainen J. Effects of low frequency magnetic field on embryonic development. In: J Tuomisto, J Ruuskanen (eds.): Proceedings, First Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Kuopio, October 8-9, 1993, "Environmental Research in Finland Today". Kuopio University Publications C. Natural and Environmental Sciences 14. 1993.

Juutilainen J, Matilainen P, Saarikoski S, Läärä E, Suonio S: Early pregnancy loss and exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 14:229-236, 1993.

Lyskov EB, Juutilainen J, Jousmäki V, Partanen J, Medvedev S, Hänninen O: Effects of 45-Hz magnetic fields on the functional state of the human brain. Bioelectromagnetics 14:87-95, 1993.

Lyskov E, Juutilainen J, Koivisto E, Yavich L, Riekkinen P: Effects of 45-Hz magntic  fields on cortical EEG spectrum in rats. Electro- and Magnetobiology 12:179-185, 1993.

Lyskov E, Medvedev S, Juutilainen J, Jousmäki V, Hänninen O, Partanen J: Influence of short-term exposure to magnetic field on the bioelectrical processes of the brain and performance. Int J Psychophysiol 14:227-231, 1993.


Juuti P, Hietanen M, Hämäläinen A-M, Juutilainen J: Rautateiden sähkö- ja magneettikentät. Työterveyslaitos, Vantaa 1994.

Juutilainen J. Pientaajuiset magneettikentät - uhka terveydelle? Ympäristö ja Terveys 25:15-19, 1994.

Verkasalo P, Juutilainen J, Kaprio J, Pukkala E, Koskenvuo M: Magneettikentät ja syöpävaara. Suomen Lääkärilehti 49:3447-3451, 1994.



Hietanen M, Juuti P, Hämäläinen A-M, Juutilainen J: Altistuminen sähkö- ja magneettikentille Valtionrautateiden työ- ja yleisötiloissa. Työ ja Ihminen 9:43-54, 1995.

Juutilainen J (ed.): Abstract Book, 4th Nordic Workshop, Biological effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields, Kuopio 31 August - 1 September, 1995. University of Kuopio, Kuopio 1995.

Korpinen L, Hietanen M, Jokela K, Juutilainen J, Valjus J: Voimajohtojen sähkö- ja magneettikentät ympäristössä. Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön tutkimuksia ja raportteja 89/1995. Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriö, Energiaosasto, Helsinki 1995.


Juutilainen J, Hatfield T, Läärä E: Evaluating alternative exposure indices in epidemiologic studies on ELF magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 17:138-143, 1996.


Juutilainen J, Huuskonen H, Komulainen H: Increased resorptions in CBA mice exposed to low-frequency magnetic fields. An attempt to replicate earlier observations. Bioelectromagnetics18:410-417, 1997.

Juutilainen J, Hyvönen M, Vanhala P: Tranransformer stations in buildings as a magnetic field source in epidemiological studies. A feasibility study. In : Johansson A, Oftedal G (eds.): 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Effects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Trondheim, 17-18 April, 1997. Strålevern Rapport 1997:6,  Stålevern (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority), Østerås. 101-102

Juutilainen J, Lang S: Genotoxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects of electromagnetic fields. Introduction and overview. Mutation Research (section Reviews in Mutation Research) 387:165-171, 1997.

Kumlin T, Hansen NH, Kilpeläinen M, Kukkonen S, Laitinen JT, Stevens RG,  Wilson BW, Juutilainen J: Night-time melatonin production in female workers exposed to magnetic fields. In : Johansson A, Oftedal G (eds.): 5th Nordic Workshop on Biological Effects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Trondheim, 17-18 April, 1997. Strålevern Rapport 1997:6, Stålevern (Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority), Østerås. 67-68

Juutilainen J (ed.): Genotoxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects of electromagnetic fields. A collection of papers ("Mini-Review") published in Mutation Research (section Reviews in Mutation Research) 378:165-171; 410:143-218, 1997-1998


Huuskonen H, Juutilainen J, Julkunen A, Mäki-Paakkanen J, Komulainen H: Effects of gestational exposure to a video display terminal-like magnetic field (20-kHz) on CBA/S mice. Teratology, 58:190-196, 1998.

Huuskonen H, Juutilainen J, Komulainen H: Effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on fetal development in CBA/Ca mice. Bioelectromagnetics, 19:477-485, 1998.

Huuskonen H, Lindbohm M-L, Juutilainen J: Teratogenic and reproductive effects of low frequency magnetic fields. Mutation Research (section Reviews in Mutation Research), 410:167-181, 1998.

Juutilainen J: Biological effects of electromagnetic fields at the kHz and low MHz frequency range. In: COST 244bis, Biomededical effects of electromagnetic fields: Worskhop on intermediate frequency range EMF: 3 kHz - 3 MHz, Paris, April 25-26, 1998. European Cooperation in the field of Science and Technical Research (COST), 1998.

Kumlin T, Alhonen L, Jänne J, Kosma V-M, Lang S, Juutilainen J: Epidermal ornithine decarboxylase and polyamines in mice exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields and UV radiation. Bioelectromagnetics, 19:388-391, 1998.

Kumlin T, Kosma V-M, Alhonen L, Jänne J, Komulainen H, Lang S, Rytömaa T, Servomaa K, Juutilainen J: Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ODC-transgenic and non-transgenic mice. International Journal of Radiation Biology 73:113-121, 1998.


Heikkinen P, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Komulainen H, Juutilainen J: Nocturnal Secretion of 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate in mice exposed to 900 MHz radio frequency radiation or 50 Hz magnetic fields. In: Bersani F (ed.): Proceedings of the Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine.

Heikkinen P, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Komulainen H, Juutilainen J: Chronic exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields or 900 MHz electromagnetic fields does not alter nocturnal 6-hydroxymelatonin sulphate secretion in CBA/S mice. Electro- and Magnetobiology 18:33-42, 1999.

Mullins JM, Penafiel LM, Juutilainen J, Litovitz TA: Dose-response of electromagnetic field-enhanced ornithine decarboxylase activity. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48:193-199, 1999.


Juutilainen J, Lang S, Rytomaa T: Possible cocarcinogenic effects of ELF electromagnetic fields may require repeated long-term interaction with known carcinogenic factors. Bioelectromagnetics 21:122-128, 2000.

Possible cocarcinogenic effects of ELF electromagnetic fields may require repeated long-term interaction with known carcinogenic factors.

Juutilainen J, Lang S, Rytomaa T

Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland. [email protected]

Literature on cancer-related biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) is discussed in the light of the current understanding of carcinogenesis as a multistep process of accumulating mutations. Different animal models and study designs have been used to address possible cocarcinogenic effects of MFs. Based on a comparison of the results, we propose a hypothesis that MF exposure may potentiate the effects of known carcinogens only when both exposures are chronic. We also discuss possible mechanisms of MF effects on carcinogenesis and the adequacy of the classical two-step initiation/promotion animal experiments for simulating human exposure to the complex mixture of environmental carcinogens. We conclude that experiments designed according to the two-step concept may not be sufficient for studying the possible role of MF in carcinogenesis. Possible further animal studies are more likely to be productive if they include models that combine chronic exposure to MFs with long-term exposures to known carcinogens. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Publication Types:

PMID: 10653623, UI: 20119139

Juutilainen J, Stevens RG, Anderson LE, Hansen NH, Kilpeläinen M, Kumlin T, Laitinen JT, Sobel E, Wilson BW: Nocturnal 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate excretion in female workers exposed to magnetic fields. Journal of Pineal Research 28:97-104, 2000.