Jedi Ranks
(ranks are listed from weakest force
sensitivity to strongest)
1. Force Sensitive
2. Apprentice
3. Dark Jedi in Training
4. Dark Jedi
5. Dark Jedi Advanced
6. Dark Jedi Knight
7. Dark Jedi Teacher
8. Dark Jedi Master
9. Dark Jedi Lord
10. Sith Master
11. Dark Lord of the Sith
12. Emperor
Royal Guard Ranks
(ranks are listed from lowest to highest
1. Royal Aids
2. Royal Guards
3. Royal Guard Leader
4. Emperor's Hand
Government ranks
(ranks are listed from lowest to highest
1. Storm/Sand/Snow Troopers
2. Trooper Squadron Leader
3. Imperial Pilots
4. Spies
5. Corporal
6. Seargent
7. Commander
8. Captain
9. General
10. Vice Admral
11. Admiral
12. Grand Admiral
13. Dark Lord of the Sith and Emperor's Hand
14. Emperor (co-leader)