


Tear in my head a-dripping down my nose

I'm so lost for you

I've tried to hide you coming into me

I thought it worked out well

Touch your hands against my lips

What love is this

Crash when I show the world to you

I wasn't what you wanted after all

The king of his own universe

I am the beggar hidden in the tower


I can't go on without you

I'd like to tell myself I can

Shaken by too many things

I wish I were stable like you

Believe me when I say

I'd like to help you out

But like a child turned from


Told to speak only when spoken to

I live my life like it needs to be lived

I carry your glances and scent

in my mind

Rejected soul, broken heart

I live, I die, I grieve

Can't keep waiting for you

Like glass I shatter easily

Needing my second chance

I'm lending myself to you

Unraveled cord burning slowly

Fire fueled by you

How does it end

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust


Unsuspected and sudden

Beauty most often happens when your

Heart is sunken and the world

Seems far above from where you

Once stood on that pedastol on the ground

While this outside beauty

May have been raped by that same

Uncaring God for whom

I crucify myself repitiously the sudden

Unexpected beauty will rise

Above the clouds into the

Arms of a higher force