
Of Nothingness
Over Champagne

Of Nothingness

I began my descendence into the depths of hell

Awaiting the long-sought fortunes to be

Bestowed upon my deserving soul

I pondered the facts, the reasons, and thought

Until thoughts were no longer from the mind, but of the heart.

I hesitated, wondering why my chain of lead had not yet

Been laid across my heaving chest, a place lacking the pulse

That should've remained, and yet, did not.

I lingered on, when you appeared, in a subtle calmness

Before me, I anxiously thought of the lies and deceptions you had

Brought forth to me, masked by unruly peace and placid


Desires and attentions are the solutions to my unseeming problems

Of nothingness. Amounts of stress so strong that wave upon wave of

The crashing ocean cannot compare nor suffice to this!

Yet again you have left me, with a sentence more pure than death and more

simple than life. To conquer the "SELF", to breath because you will it so.

To see, because you will have it so. And to love because your "SELF" Must

feel Love again

Over Champagne

A touch that burned

you knew it too well

the harm which

you induce

Cravings dwell within

encasements buried far

beneath the ground

Pulling me with ropes,

unseen, yet felt

ripping at new skin

my neck and arms bleed


Blistered from you,

even the sun blistered from

your heat