Wolfwood Castle

Terry Bogard

From Fatal Fury, based on the game for Neo Geo. Isn't he so sexy??? ^-^ *drool* (I've heard the game kicks as well.) He's a champion street fighter, and a fair and honest one at that. His love life really sucks though, every woman he loves ends up dead. He has a tendency to get depressed when he loses..kinda like Vegeta, except he takes it out by drinking.  Ya know what? That night Billy had his knuckles all taped up, he reminded me of Terry...O.o Even though I think Terry looks like Michael...*shhh, don't tell*

Squall Leonheart
Look look! It's Squally... ^-^ He's a loner..one of those cold but oh-so-hot guys that gives off that mysterious air. His scar is from his opponent, Seifer, who I think has one to match? *shrug* Haven't played the game myself yet... He reminds me of Heero, ya know?
Michael! Mike Mikey Mike-Mike! This is Michael . (Happy now?)

*Gir voice* I love this show!!! Zim is an invader form Irk, sent to conquer/destroy  earth. This is him in his human form, in class *undercover*.at Skool.  I really like Jhonen's (Zim's drawer) Gothy drawing style, I like to use something like it for our album cover...Oops there I go off on a tangent...
...Ala Mr. Weimer *cringes in fear*...