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Here the majestic Queen Elizabeth 2 stands docked in Bridgetown, Barbados. ( My "shipmate" friend Ryan, can be seen on the far left. )
Here is another shot from Bridgetown, Barbados. If looked closely, you can spot some of the crew doing some repainting towards the prow. The ship is constantly being repainted, when the chance is given. The vessel is kept in "top notch" condition, all the time. |
QE 2 , stern view - docked in Barbados. You can see the British flag mounted on the stern's pole. On that same day towards the afternoon, Ryan and I lost tons of tennis balls that for some reason, seemed to find themselves flying off the ship and unto the pier side below :) |
This particular shot almost looks like a scene from Cameron's Titanic. (though the real Titanic was positioned in the opposite direction in Southampton.) This was the final shot taken while I was in Barbados. |