"Wait, wait," cried out the Grain, "I want to come with you. I've got to see this!"
    "All right." With that, she zig-zagged her way back down to the beach and bent way down and put her face in the sand so that the Grain stuck right between her eyes.
    Then off she flew again and the Grain had to hold on very tightly to keep from being thrown off. "There it is!" Spindizzy shouted with joy, but the Grain could only see two rotted old piers jutting out of the water.
    "What?" the Grain asked.
    "A pair o' docks," Spindizzy answered and started buzzing down toward them.
    "A pair o' docks?" the Grain thought to itself. Then, "Oh, a paradox. I get it. Sure, why not?" Then it began to worry if it was a bad idea travelling so close to Spindizzy's brain.

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