
How do I know your name? I don't. This is a great Javascript to put on your page if you are trying to make your visitors feel at home. What is the down side to this? Well,
#1 - You must have the place where you put the name in a script.
(You can use the Document Write In to remedy this)
#2 - Your script must be enclosed in double quotes.
[Ex. This will not work - ('Hi! "+name+" ') ; this will - ("Hi! "+name+" ")]
The source...

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">

// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com

name=window.prompt("Please tell me your name.","nobody");

document.write("<H1 align=center>Hi! "+name+".</H1>")


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