
I'm sure that some of you long-time Geocities homesteaders were a little upset when Geocities placed the Watermark on everyone's page. Since then, you've been trying to find a way to take the Watermark off your page and not violate Geocities standards. Well, most people have found that if they join GeoPlus, their special url (http://www.geocities.com/~membername) will not have the Watermark on it; however, their old url (http://www.geocities/Community/####) will. This little script fixes that problem. It reads the URL of the page the viewer is on and, if it is the old URL, it transfers the viewer of your page over to your GeoPlus URL, where there is no Watermark. As you can imagine, this takes a bit of a strain off the Anti-Watermark viewers of your page. The only negative is that you need to have a GeoPlus URL.
The source...

<script language="Javascript1.2">
// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com

var membername = "jsmaster"
var subpage = "geoplusurl.html"

var gc = "http://www.geocities.com/~"
var sl = "/"
var url = document.location.href

if (url.indexOf("~") == -1) {
document.location = gc + membername + sl + subpage

Color coding...

This should contain your Geocities membername in lower case.
This is the URL of the subpage. If you are putting this on your main page (index.html), just leave this blank.