
The wacky banner is nothing new. We just added few interjective characters in back and front. Those characters attract the viewer's attention to the text long enough to get the impact of the message. Although this is a great script, I wouldn't put it in the statusbar because it makes an uneven message; thus, I put this in a form banner instead. The color coding on the bottom is nothing new.
<form name="wa">
<input type="text" size="50" name="banner" value="">
<script language="Javascript">
// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com

var message = "This is the Wacky Banner"
var speed = 200

var x = 0

function initArray(n) {
  this.length = n;
  for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) {
    this[i] = ' '

wky = new initArray(7)
wky[0] = "!!!"
wky[1] = "@@@"
wky[2] = "###"
wky[3] = "$$$"
wky[4] = "%%%"
wky[5] = "^^^"
wky[6] = "&&&"
wky[7] = "***"

function wacky() {

var y = wky[x]
document.wa.banner.value = y + message + y

if (wky.length != x) {

else {
x = 0

setTimeout("wacky()", speed);


Color coding...

This is the text that scrolls across the screen.
This sets the speed that the interjective characters change. It is expressed in 1/100 of a second, so 200 would be 2 seconds.