<center> <script language="Javascript"> <!-- // please keep these lines on when you copy the source // made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com day = new Date() hr = day.getHours() hr1 = hr - 12 if (hr < "6") { document.write("Go back to bed!! "+hr+" AM is too early!") } else if (hr < "12") { document.write("Good morning. It's "+hr+" AM.") } else if (hr < "13") { document.write("Lunch time! It's "+hr+" M") } else if (hr < "17") { document.write("Good Afternoon. It's "+hr1+" PM") } else if (hr < "22") { document.write("Good Evening. It's "+hr1+" PM") } else if (hr > "21") { document.write("Good night. It's "+hr1+" PM, Go to sleep.") } //--> </script> </center>