Welcome to the homepage of Research Triangle: The Ring. This is a ring for all the members who live in the ResearchTriangle Area. Besides living in this neighborhood, your homepage must also meet these guidelines:
Your homepage must meet
the type of page description suited for living in this
neighborhood. (Description drawn by geocities)
Your homepage must not contain any vulgar word or adult material.
if your homepage meets these standards, sign up by filling the form
below. This will add your page to the queue. Then it is your job to
e-mail someone in the ring and ask to be put in.
When someone adds you to the ring, you will receive a confirmation. Now you can add people into the ring. You can get someone by
visiting the queue or if someone e-mails you asking to
add them, fill out the person's id# on the below form, then you will
go to a page where you will put in your id# and password. Once you
fill that out, the person will be added in front of you.
NOTE: Please make sure the person has the ring HTML on his page.
If you ever need to alter your ring information, use the form below.
You can change your site URL, your password, e-mail address, or you
can delete yourself from the ring.
Some final notes. If did not copy down the HTML code for your ring
yet, you can get it in the "Edit Site Info" page. If you have any
problems, or if you want to add your page but don't understand what
to do, e-mail the
webmaster of this ring. You can see the ring in action below...