
This is one the first scripts to be made and the most popular script on my page. Javascript Password allows a little security to your web page (although not much). I hope to get out a more secure password script later on in my page's evolution.
The source...

<script language="Javascript">

// please keep these lines on when you copy the source
// made by: Nicolas - http://www.javascript-page.com

var password = "please"

var x = prompt("Enter in the password"," ")

if (x.toLowerCase() == password) {
alert("Come right in \n \n You've entered in the right password")
location = "right.html"

else {
location = "wrong.html"


Color coding...

This is the password in lower case.
This is the text that appears when the user is prompted.
Replace this with the URLs the user gets if the password is right or wrong.