Her song

My Lover's eyes are like the blazing sun;

no darkness is found in them;

My Lover's voice is like the sound of rushing water;

no music has a more pleasing sound.

My Lover shows me a mystery of seven stars and seven golden Lampstands

I wonder about them and ask him what they mean.

When he answers me; I am overcome and swoon at his feet.


My Lover dresses in robes of the highest splendor;

all beauty and glory are his alone to wear.

My Lover's head and his hair shine in all white;

purity and of triumph grow from his head.

Righteousness is my lover's belt and faithfulness his sash.

The words from his mouth strengthen and encourage me.

His hands hold me in favour and in powerful protection.


My Lover is like a perfume of majestic order and delight;

his fragrance is known as the "Spirit of the Lord".

My Lover's feet burn with wisdom, counsel, knowledge,

understanding, power and of the fear of the Lord.

When my Lover walks he trends on holy ground.

Look at Him, "Who can compare to my Lover;

the one, eternal God, who is from everlasting to everlasting?"



No one is above Him for he created all things.

He is the Redeemer,the Holy One of Israel




His song

My beloved's skin is like the softest silk linen;

costly and highly valued.

My beloved's lips are like the aromatic petals of a flower;

continually offering a fragrant bouquet of praise.

The nations will assemble in the King's garden

and view the splendor I have endowed her with.

They will see her righteousness and glory.


My beloved's body moves with confidence and grace;

blameless in stride and persevering in truth and faith.

My beloved's arms and legs work like a tranquil melody;

Their arrangement is a symphony of complexity and variety;

marching in a procession before the King of Kings;

solely designed to display his eminent glory.


My beloved's countenance is like a summer day;

lovely and temperate in manner.

My beloved's breasts are like crystal vessels;

great in virtue, wide in love and bound in unity.

Compassion, kindness and humility adorn her head.

She clothes herself with gentleness, patience and forgiveness.

Peace rules and wisdom dwells in her heart.



Her brightness shall supply the nations with light

for the glory of the Lord rises upon her.

She will be my bride and I will be her groom.


Her song

Let me tell why his love is far above the rest

then you too will understand.

Why I feel this way about his love


His love is boundless and immeasurable

His love is perfect in strenghth and uncompromising in truth

And His love is unwearying in giving

He love never diminishes


Let me tell why his touch is far above the rest

then you too will understand.

Why I feel this way about his touch


His touch raises me when I fall, cheers me when I'm faint

And His touch heals my sicknesses and renews my mind

And His touch cleans and keeps me pure within

His touch expresses his limitless love


Let me tell why his words are far above the rest

then you too will understand.

Why I feel this way about his words


His words preserve and perfect me

And His words lead me and guide me

And His words teach me to look, and live, and love

His words support and comfort me.


Let me tell why his work is far above the rest

then you too will understand.

Why I feel this way about his work


His work atones for my sin and its judgment.

And His work sets me free to live through him and in his love

And His work lifts me up to glory

His work gives me everlasting commune with the Father


Now He goes to prepare a place for me

Now His love pours and shines down on me

Now I wait for Him...I wait only for Him

Now I wait with a heavenly flame that shall be not be quenched.


His song

I'm coming back for to you

I know you are waiting....

believing and anticipating....

For the day, I'm coming back for you


But until that day I want you to know,

so..listen with your heart...

and truly understand...

I love you more than you can possibly know


Today, let me be your door of hope.

Find in me... a lasting peace,

and find in me... a good future.

I want to be your door of hope


Today, let me be a husband to you;

joined tightly in my faithfulness,

love and compassion....

I want to be a husband to you


There will be no distance between us

joined tightly by my splendor

intimacy and bliss...

There will be no distance between us


On that day, close-at-hand

you will know me...

I have always known you

On that day....you'll understand....my great love



Walk towards me for my ways are right,

seek me and I will be found.

seek me and I will be found.

Walk towards me for my ways are right,




