Before a person becomes a healer, he/she will usually encounter
a lot of sickness growing up. Some people will try to heal themselves,
and if they are successful in doing so, this usually means they have the
traits to become a shaman healer. So basically the shaman, and only the
shaman, is a healer who has healed himself or herself; and as a healed
healer, "only he or she can truly know the territory of disease and
death"(Halifax 11). The shaman must endure a very long and excruciating
session with evil spirits, before he is healed. During this dramatic and
painful encounter with the evil spirits, the shaman must engage in a "powerful
struggle against the difficult physical and psychological forces that have
previously afflicted his life."(Halifax 14) This conflict also trains
the shaman for future encounters with similar spirits, that will overcome
patients' bodies, making them ill.
The healing ritual must be preceded by careful preparation
of both the shaman and the location of the ritual. The shaman must collect
the sacred objects needed, prepare the equipment and mix the medicines.
Once this is done, the shaman usually will spend time in solitude, fasting,
or in prayer. Both the preparation and healing ritual itself are "steeped
in symbolism and ancient rituals, all which may inspire awe and faith."(Walsh
97) The healing will usually take place with the patient's family and whole
tribe participating in the ceremony.