oetry is the wind in the trees, the waves on the sea, and the music in my heart.
To represent and introduce each section in the best way possible they all need sections. I am going to attempt to give all my poetry the justice of a section they might qualify for. (UUGGHHH!!! Good Luck!!!)
Some of my poetry is from my darker years. Some of it isn't even mine. Some of it is really stupid. But, why not?!
These are works by my favorite poets. Some very famous, so not so. The first few will be poems I have memorized. Have them stuck in my from more then ten years ago.
Poetry from my teens. Under construction.
Back to my hompage
Poetry since the birth of my oldest. Most of this is the "sappy stuff". I'll add as I can find it.
All of this is very different. If you like that sort of stuff, head on in. Under construction.
Ever wondered about muses and the fay? They'll be here, soon. Most of this stuff is being transfered from a very old computer(it took floopys!!!).
Vampires, witches, ghosts, and demons-OH MY! This appeal? Under construction, but again, old, so must be painstakingly transfered.
If I had a clue what these were-well-I'd tell you. Let's just say it's miscellanous.
Again, under construction.