Love like a rose
By: Robert Kester

Some would say that love is like a rose,
full of beauty, yet covered in thorns to sting you...
Love is hard sometimes,
because when stung too many times,
One may never touch another rose, for fear of being stung again.

Some would say love is like a bee.
Simple, and beautiful in it's own right, yet it's sting is different...
when a bee stings, it is never unstuck,
and when the bee pulls away, it's heart stops...
The bee dies because it used it's sting too soon.

More sad are those who say that love is like the wind.
Random, unpredictable, wild and free.
You cannot hold the wind in your hands,
and you can never call the wind your own.
The wind changes and remains mysterious in it's ways...

I prefer to think of love more like a kite,
maybe using paper with sonnets and poetry,
floating carelessly on the winds of love,
random as they are...
No matter how many times your kite may fall, the winds of love will always pull you up again.

Despite it's beauty, beware of the rose... It is unaffected by it's own sting, and it's beauty fades in time...

Be careful of the bee as well... they're sting is deadly to some, but always to themselves...

Be careful of the wind... Sometimes it can blow too hard, and make you lose your footing...

Then again, maybe you should stop being careful... and just make a kite...

Robert is one of my really good friends and I promised I would mention that he is going to be publishing a comic book along with my other friend Joanna. I have no clue when it will be out or what it's going to be called, but I had to mention it. Oh, the other thing about this comic book, I am in it! So you all should go out and buy it as soon as they figure out what they are doing and get it published!
I have as yet only been sent this one thing. I only got this because I demanded that Robert send me it. I have over 100 hits on this page, so why aren't you sending me stuff. Please, please, please send me stuff. I will publish the first things I get and leave them up for a month or so or untill I get anything else, whichever is longer. I had the courage to publish my poetry so please have the courage to send me your poems and stories. I would be ever so gratefull. Thank you! One last thing...they stories can be happy or sad but I would prefer that you don't send me any "dark poetry." Thank you so much. The link to my e-mail is at the bottom of the page.

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Yellow ribbon program
I know some of you just came from this page but those of you who didn't should really look at this. I can't possibly be more for it than I am! It's a great progam and I know it works!

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