awakened early this morning
The sun shone bright upon my face
Wondering what today would hold
Its mercy or its grace

Would it be the of kind day
No tears would fall from my eyes
Or would it be like many others
Yet another day to die

I thought of days before hand
And how my life was tossed
Rememebering all the pain
The suffering, and the loss

And yet amongst this all
Another word called gain
Seemed to somehow come and glimmer
Through all the hurt and all the pain

It told another story
It lifted up its voice
It let me know today
Was yet another choice

Another chance to smile
Another chance to love
Another chance to give my gift
Sent down from up above

It cried out to me get up
For the day is yet at hand
And my soul responded back to gain
Its all part of a plan

Then I knew what i must do
For life is just a dance
But living not exisiting
Is always worth the chance

Contributed by Andrea Waters from South Carolina


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