19th by
andrea Weiser
a sad story" contest Poetry winner
Wind kicks up memories the
air is stiff and smells like pumpkins. Winter lays her skirts across the
peaks and waits. a
I remember turning, spinning
little girl crossing autumn streets with a large ladybug under one arm.
leaves quivered like fingers, ready to drop. a What was her name, the woman who
held my hand? Crossing
campus streets, she sent quietness through my fingers. She
watched me stare at things she couldnt see. We were dwarfed among bricks, steel
and concrete. The
giants of St. Paul, trapped in a grid, towered. a We wandered at my pace, her gait
crouched to meet my smallness. She felt bad, I knew, about my mother.
hoped to buffer the pain. a She
didnt see me walk with ghost feet, half in her world, half in the other.
didnt see my mother either, lilting
above us like airborne feathers. a
Weiser's complete
poetry entry can be found in our Spring '98 Issue
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