The Restored Le Dynasty
Reigner :Le Trang Tong (1533-1548) /Le Trung Tong (1549-1556) /Le Anh Tong(1557-1573) /Le The Tong (1573-1599) / Le Kinh Tong (1600-1619) / Le Than Tong (1619-1643) (1649-1662) * / Le Chan Tong
(1643-1649) / Le Huyen Tong (1663-1671) / Le Gia Tong (1672-1675) / Le Hy Tong (1676-1705) / Le Dzu Tong (1705-1729) / Le Dzuy Phuong (1729-1732) / Le Thuan Tong (11732-1735) / Le Y Tong (1735-1740) / Le Hien Tong (1740-1786) / Le Chieu Thong (1787-1788) .
Period :
Reign's Titles :Nguyen Hoa / Thuan Binh / Thien Huu / Gia Thai / Thuan Duc / Vinh To / Phuc Thai / Khanh Duc * / Canh Tri / Duong Duc / Vinh Tri / Vinh Thinh / Vinh Khanh / Long Duc / Vinh Huu / Canh Hung / Chieu Thong .
Country's Name :Dai Viet
Capital :Dong Do
Contemporary Chinese Dynasty:Ming (1369 -1649) / Manchou (1649 - ...)

History :
Trang Tong, a prince of Le Family, was raised up to throne in 1553 by Nguyen Kim, a former courtier of Le Dynasty and a resistance war against the Macs to recover Le Dynasty was also rooted from Thanh Hoa then expanded whole Tonkin. In that period, both dynasties Mac and Le co-existed, divided the country into South (Thanh Hoa, Nghe An) and North (the rest provinces).The situation continued for almost 50 years with 4 Le reigns until Mac Dynasty collapsed in 1592. The main feature of that period was most of power belonged to Lords Trinh. The first was Trinh Kiem, son-in-law and succeeder of Nguyen Kim after Kim's death in a assassination. Trinh Kiem gathered all powers and himself ruled the country while Le Emperors did nothing but seated in the court. Kiem, feared of the usurpation of power, attempted to kill sons of Nguyen Kim : Uong and Hoang. More lucky than his brother, Nguyen Hoang survived and, in his strategy following the advice of Nguyen Binh Khiem, the famous fortuneteller, asked Kiem to allow him to go ruling the south border with Champa province Thuan Hoa in 1558. Some tens years later, Nguyen Hoang, now was a powerful Lord of a large country of Quang Binh, Hue , Da Nang, raised a war against Trinhs. On the other hand, Nguyen Lords expanded south, pushed the Chams to shrink, step by step occupied most of their territory. The history of most of the 17th century and half of the 18th century is history of the 50-years- war and 100 -years-conflicts between Trinhs and Nguyens with Gianh River (Quang Binh) as border. In the North, the Trinh Lords ruled the court through usurping Le's power while in the South, Nguyen Lords headed south by signing the peace treaty with Khmer Kingdom, having authority on Prey Nokor port of Khmer (Saigon port now), and spreading over all Champa country. In the reign of Hien Tong, the Tay Son Rebellion occured (1771) in Binh Dinh under Nguyen Lords control. At first, the rebellion showed the aim of ' support Lord Nguyen Phuc Duong to suppress the bad-courtier Truong Phuoc Loan ', for these years were the declining period of Nguyen court in the South, the later lords were dull and most of strenght of the country wasted for the war with Trinhs. In 1777, Tay Son swept from the mountain to occupy all the southern, killed last Lord Phuoc Thuan. The only surviver, prince Nguyen Anh escaped abroad. Tay Son then headed the north, wiped out Lords Trinh court in a ' support the Le Dynasty ' action, recovered the power of Le Emperor and returned the south. The last emperor Le Chieu Thong, then could'nt stop the attempt to recover the Trinh force and was suppressed heavily by new Lord Trinh Bong. Tay Son again intervened and dissmissed Chieu Thong, founded an administration backed by them. This made Chieu Thong to fleed to China, asking the help from Manchou Dynasty now ruled China. In 1788, Manchou troop of 290,000 soldiers invaded Dai Viet and backed Chieu Thong to rule the north. In about 10 days at the beginning of 1789, Nguyen Hue, the Tay Son Emperor again headed the north and destroyed completely the Manchou, gained the control of the north and ascended the throne. The later Le Dynasty ended.

Tay Son Dynasty
Reigner :Nguyen Nhac (1778 - 1793) / Nguyen Hue (1788 - 1792) / Nguyen Quang Toan (1793-1802)
Period :
Reign's Titles :Thai Duc / Quang Trung / Canh Thinh .
Country's Name :Dai Viet
Capital :Phu Xuan (Hue)
Contemporary Chinese Dynasty:Manchou (1649 - ...)

History :
Three brothers of Nguyen family in Tay Son village (Binh Dinh province) raised a rebellion in 1771 during a political and social unrest under the reign of Lord Nguyen Phuoc Thuan (1765-1777). They were responded warmly by the miserable peasants and quickly became a notable force. In 1778, the Tay Son terminated the Nguyen reigns and took the control over middle of Vietnam from Gianh River to the south and Cochinchina. Nguyen Nhac, the eldest brother of Tay Son ascended the throne, proclaimed himself Emperor Thai Duc, established the Tay Son Dynasty with capital in Phu Xuan (Hue). Nguyen Anh, the only survived prince of Nguyen Lords family, escaped to Siam (Thailand) Kingdom to call for the help. In 1784, the Siams invaded Vietnam with 20,000 soldiers and a navy of 300 ships. Nguyen Hue, the youngest brother and talented general of Tay Son, directed a magicious ambush that killed most of Siam troop and ships in a section of Rach Gam - Xoai Mut River ( < > prov.), stopped the intervention from Siam. In 1786, Nguyen Nhac sent his army directed by Nguyen Hue to occupy Thuan Hoa citadel of Trinh. After wiped out the Trinhs from Thuan Hoa, Hue continued to go north without informing Nhac's Court and exterminated the Trinhs while announcing that for supporting the Le Dynasty. He easily occupied Thang Long. Feared of the threat that Hue may take this chance to become Emperor, Nhac hastily advanced his troop to Thang Long and asked Hue to back Le Chieu Thong to re-organize his administrative system and returned Binh Dinh . Nguyen Nhac then divided the south into three parts : the middle provinces to Hai Van Pass were under Nguyen Hue ruling as King Bac Binh, the Cochinchina was under Nguyen Lu, the second brother as King Dong Dinh, and himself ruled at Qui Nhon with title the Central Emperor.
In the north, the situation was not improved after Nguyen Hue's leaving, Le Chieu Thong was very dull to control the court and was again usurped by Trinh Bong, a prince of former Trinh Lords. Again, Nguyen Hue headed the north, wiped out the Trinhs, re-arranged the court with a new Governor in 1788 and returned Phu Xuan for being stuck with battles against Nguyen Anh. Chieu Thong got angry with this and fled to China, got the help from Manchou Dynasty with 290,000 soldiers. They occupied Thang Long and backed a new government headed by Chieu Thong. Heard the news, Nguyen Hue decided to take the control over all Tonkin from the Les and he proclaimed himself Emperor Quang Trung before advance his army to Thang Long. Only in ten days of fighting, Quang Trung defeated completely that vast troop, re-occupied Thang Long and all Dai Viet territory. Then,he immediately returned back Phu Xuan to face Nguyen Anh, now became a powerful force with the supports from foreign countries and settled in Gia Dinh. In 1792, Nguyen Hue suddenly died at his 40.
His son, Quang Toan, succeeded the throne at his 11. Being a child, he was not able to reign with a unrest court and the threat from Nguyen Anh. In 1800, Nguyen Anh, with the support from Europe, occupied Quy Nhon citadel. In 1801, Anh occupied Phu Xuan, made Toan to fleed to Thang Long. In 1802, Anh blocked Thang Long. Failed to fight with Anh, Quang Toan escaped from Thang Long but then was captured and executed. The Tay Son ended after 24 years.

Nguyen Dynasty
Reigner :Nguyen Phuc Anh (1802-1819) / Nguyen Phuc Dam (1820-1840) / Nguyen Mien Tong (1841-1847) / Nguyen Hong Nhiem (1848-1883) / Nguyen Ung Chan (1883) (Only 3 days) / Nguyen Hong Dzat (1883) (Only 6 months) / Nguyen Ung Dang (1883-1884) / Nguyen Ung Lich (1884-1885) / Nguyen Ung Xuy (1886-1888) / Nguyen Buu Lan (1889-1907) / Nguyen Vinh San (1907-1916)/ Nguyen Buu Dao (1916-1925) / Nguyen Vinh Thuy (1926-1945) .
Period :
Reign's Titles :Gia Long / Minh Mang / Thieu Tri / Tu Duc / Dzuc Duc / Hiep Hoa / Kien Phuc / Ham Nghi / Dong Khanh / Thanh Thai / Dzuy Tan / Khai Dinh / Bao Dai .
Country's Name :Vietnam (1802 - 1919) , Dainam (1820 -1945)
Capital :Hue
Contemporary Chinese Dynasty:Manchou (1649 - 1916) / China Minquo (1916 ...)

History :
In Tayson rebellion in 1773, the only survivor of Nguyen Warlord Family in the South of Vietnam, prince Nguyen Anh, escaped with some loyalists and started a resistance war against the Tayson. After 29 years of war, Nguyen Anh won at last in 1802 with the weapons and some military officers hired from France by Monseigner Pigneau de Be'hain, a Jesuit who conducted a mission in Vietnam that period. Anh ascended the throne of Vietnam Emperor in 1802 with the title Gia Long. It was the first time Vietnam had been united in one kingdom from the border with China in the North to the Mekong Delta in the South. The capital settled in Hue. He divided the country into North part from Ninh Binh to the border with China consisted of 11 provinces (tran), South part from Binh Thuan downwards consisted of 5 'trans' and 7 separated 'trans' in the middle from Thanh Hoa to Binh Thuan. The Government consisted of 6 ministries, no position of Prime Minister to avoid power abuse, also no position of Queen to prevent the attempts to usurp from inside.
Under Nguyen dynasty, Vietnam economy, politics, society..developed very slowly, the way of thinking, of living of ancient Chinese dynasties had been maintained as pattern for King and his Court to decide any behavior. Nguyen Emperors refused any idea to reform after the West countries or Japan, ignored any affections from outside in science, technology, culture or thinking. At the end of the 19th century, in Vietnam, the intellectuals still did'nt know matematics, physics, chemics.., just studied Confucianism, and wrote poems on nature or praise the King's wisdom.
In 1858,France started their plan of invading Vietnam step by step. With the poor economy and a out-of-date army, Nguyen Dynasty could'nt resist against the French military force and had to make a number of concessions one after another. In 1883, Vietnam's independence ended with the domination of France. The French divided Vietnam into two parts : the Cochinchina as a colony, and the central and north as protectorate territories.
Under French domination, Nguyen Emperors were like puppets with no real power. Some of them : Ham Nghi, Thanh Thai, Dzuy Tan had the idea or even waged the resistance against the French, but they all soon failed.
The society and economy of Vietnam from that time developed in Western way. Everything changed, from the Vietnamese letters (before, the Chinese had been used as official letters), to the way of living. Vietnamese intellectuals now found them facing with science, technology, thinking of the West. A real revolution in all aspects happened in Vietnam society that time.
But, the French colonialism also exposed its harshness on Vietnamese that most were peasants : the exploitation of labours and natural sources, the abuse of authority, the violation of human rights, the poverty, the breaking traditional social society..etc, were consequences.
From the time of the first invasion battle of France, a movement of Vietnamese nationalism had risen and the French, for almost one century had faced with a seething voilence against and confrontations with the colonial authority. Many rebellions brok out, from the led-by former mandarins of Nguyen to the new West style political party led movements. The most successful, of course addressed itself to the peasantry and their grievances - fairer land distribution and release from poverty. The history of this peasant-based movement, which would eventually be known as Vienam Communist Party, was synonymous with its leader, Ho Chi Minh. Ho's party, in 40's created League for the independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh)- a coalition of nationalist, dominated by communists - to resist the Japanese invation and their occupation of Vietnam in early days of World War II.
By August 1945, exploited a perfect oppotunity of defeat of Japanese, Ho instigated the August Revolution, assuming complet control in northern and central Vietnam. On September,2,1945, Ho declared the new Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi. The last dynasty of Nguyen ended.