~do you want a little help making
your web page more unique? if you do I have some tips and nifty things
for you to try out!~
~click below
and you can mess around with the background color!~
~you can also
use the same colors above as TEXT COLORS! here's a listing of them with
their corresponding codes. just typing in the NAME of the color also seems
to work for some reason!!!~
"7FFFD4" Aquamarine
"FOFFFF" Azure
"FFE4C4" Bisque
"5F9EA0" Cadetblue
"6495ED" Cornflowerblue
"FFF8DC" Cornsilk
"FF8C00" Darkorange
"8FBC8F" Darkseagreen
"228B22" Forestgreen
"FFD700" Gold
"F0FFF0" Honeydew
"CD5C5C" Indianred
"E6E6FA" Lavender
"FFFFE0" Lemonchiffon
"90EE90" Lightgreen
"FFB6C1" Lightpink
"B0C4DE" Lightsteelblue
"32CD32" Limegreen
"FAF0E6" Linen
"7B68EE" Mediumslateblue
"00FA9A" Mediumspringgreen
"F5FFFA" Mintcream
"FFE4E1" Mistyrose
"6B8E23" Olivedrab
"FFA500" Orange
"FF4500" Orangered
"DB7093" Palevioletred
"FFEFD5" Papayawhip
"FFDAB9" Peachpuff
"BC8F8F" Rosybrown
"FFF5EE" Seashell
"C0C0C0" Silver
"87CEEB" Skyblue
"FF6347" Tomato
"D8BFD8" Thistle
"40E0D0" Turquoise
"EE82EE" Violet
"F5DEB3" Wheat
"FFFFFF" White
"F5F5F5" Whitesmoke
"FFFF00" Yellow