My Insane Ways

Whatever you would expect me to be. Out of all the things you can think, you have to think that it is easy being sane. Being sane is the hardest thing to keep. Each step away from sanity is a harder step back. So, it is easier to keep it and maintain it instead of letting it go. Once you let it go, it's all down hill from there.

Bright Eyed  , forget about being bright eyed. Bright eyed is for the fools out there that believe that one day it will actually be a dream come true. The truth in actuality is quite assholy. In truth one can have what they dreamt for minus one small detail. No matter how small the detail, it is still considered a flaw. Dreams are in perfection. Reality isn't. Chaos is more related to reality then dreams are. Dreams are what we want. Reality is what you get.

Sea Bush is another term for an underwater growing plant, I don't think so. It's a nasty-talk word. It's slang ,that the mermen use when describing mermaids pubic regions.

Red is a beautiful color that excites my brain cells every-so-wonderfully. Red is the color of blood. The color of many flowers and animals. It still tickles my brain. I associate red with love for some ungodly reason. The media did it. I know it did. Media sets standards. One of the standards is that red stands for love. It's all based on opinions. I think everyone should be entitled to their own opinion. Other peoples opinions are the views of others. The perception the feel through their mind.

Gushing streams remind me of Niagara Falls and having to pee.

Blood is shed daily.

Fleshy females are the rulers of the world wide web.

Pink is a soft soothing color that is standardized by the media for being a girl color. I think not. Pink looks good on men too. And you don't have to be a gay male to wear pink. Be different, dare to wear pink.

Moist feelings underneath my feet satisfy me. I love water. I love moisture. It's what brings life to everything. We all owe our lives to
H 2 O. The beauty of life through water.

Frogs  are not all princes. I kissed many of them. I think I kissed too many frogs.

Royal Pain in the Ass is someone not of noble blood that is disturbingly annoying.

Sky Up is just what you do when you look up in an outside environment.

Sunflower are these spherical shapes of life that use the sun for nourishment, to produce sugar and let out oxygen and breath in carbondioxide.

Do do is the nickname I gave the dog that lives around the corner. I think she is my dogs girlfriend dog. They love each other.

Chin is one of those parts of your body that is really hard for you to see by yourself without the help of a mirror. Try it. Look at your chin without the aid of a mirror. I'd like to see it happen.

Amer - Asian is what I'm called, I think. I'm German, Dutch, Irish, native American, & Filipino. Or they call me Mistisa.

Baluga are those small dark skinned mountain people of the Philippines.

Sea is a serene atmosphere of the earth. Constant flowing and waving. Beauty in sound and in physical appearance.

Must Drab , must be some technique, in painting. Might be a way to blend colors in a drab way. I don't know, this was a hard one.

Moss is the pretty stuff that hangs on the trees when you go visit Georgia. It gives the trees character. It is also a symbiotic relationship between organisms. Now that's beauty. Plants showing people that they can get along together. Another way of saying, "Can't we all just get along."