Chapter One

A dualist's Approach to Sociology

John St. John

"There are two sides to every question" a cliche that has its roots in the
dualism of Maimonedes and Averroes . . . Maimonides earned the title "second
Moses" for writing the Mishna Torah. In his book "Guide of the Perplexed"
written in Arabic (about 1190) Maimonedes sought to harmonize faith and
reason by reconciling the tenets of rabbinic Judaism with the rationalism of
Aristotelian philosophy.

Averroes, an Arab physician held that there were two ways to express
metaphysical truths; through philosophy and religion. His contribution was
called "double truth" by Christian scholastics. It is time both Jew and
Muslim return to these teachings. The separation of church and state is not
peculiar to either culture. Had the Jewish state in the beginning integrated
the Palestinian totally into a true democracy they would not have had to
waste the products of labor and technology on war. Israel is like the
"democracy" of ancient Greece. It is only a democracy among Jews. The Arab
countries with the same problem of a theocratic government are no less
culpable. I am sure that both philosophers would be proponents of the
separation of church and state were they alive today.

The ideologues of "the supply side" are making an error by putting all their
faith in one side. They are in fact making the same error the Communists did
when they destroyed commerce and tried to fabricate a "socialist" economy.
The supply siders, ecstatic at the fall of communism, are now openly
advocating the elimination of "government." They maintain that government by
it's nature is incompetent, inefficient, and bureaucratic. What they propose
to substitute for this ball and chain is not quite clear. Already the doyens
of the "supply" side have penetrated the American government to the point
that American interests are largely defined as American economic interests.
One can only conclude that they wish to eliminate any participation in
government by the consumer, or the faceless masses.

Not satisfied with "privatizing" Russia they would now like to privatize the
local fire department. Perhaps they would privatize the Army and Navy. This
is not new. The armies of South America have always been in business for
themselves. Of course this has not resulted in the competition neccesary to
make market forces work. These "conservatives" would now create another
generation of communists. If the losers are to be left out entirely then
these button down types will face a breed of anarchists that will make the
communist look like a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution . .
. A golf course is a terrible place to hide.

This is the same tunnel vision that led to a revolt against Communism by the
Russians themselves. They too denied the natural duality of the jungle and
the tribe. They wanted to burn down the jungle. The capitalist "one-sider"
wants to do away with the tribe. These two concepts have always contended
with each other but one can not be eliminated without destroying the other.
The supply sider is laying the groundwork for a revolt against capitalism.
Lenin's NEP or New Economic Policy after the revolution led him to embrace
private enterprise in order to get an industrial base and to feed the
people. The subsequent revocation of Lenin"s sound thinking by Stalin led to
the monstrous Soviet Union. The supply sider who is using government with
the final aim of doing away with it eventually by privatizing social
structures is just another Stalin without the grand mustache. Dualism is the
answer here like it is with most everything else.

For this reason I could never take part in a political party that espoused
socialism. It poses the impossible and undesirable goal of destroying the
marketplace. There is no such thing as a "socialist economy." By the same
token I can not give allegiance to a politic of rule by the jungle cats of
capitalism. This leaves me in limbo and with the choice of either waiting
for a "Tribal Party" to emerge, or starting one myself. The separation of
the tribe from the jungle is human. The separation of the people from the
interpreneur in politics is the only way out of what has become an anarchic
mess. This has to be accomplished without fascism. A true tribe is the most
democratic organization in existance. We have a private sector and a public
sector but due to wholesale bribery by lobbyists the public sector has been
taken over.

One of the greatest advantages Americans have over other peoples is their
insistence on the separation of church and state. If the Americans could
find a way to separate private commercial interests from dominating the
Americn government they would have a chance at solving many problems. Our
government is like an enormous dying horse with private enterprise vultures
feeding on it and private enterprise maggots swarming in it's entrails. The
conservative supply sider is like a wandering hyena that wants to consume it
entirely. Will we ever ride this horse again?

Anthropology and sociology are afflicted with the disease of one-sidedness.
They have taken the position that Man, unlike every other creature in
nature, is born without any instinctual knowledge. They feel (quite
correctly) that Social Darwinism, or survival of the fittest, within a
society, is no way to run things. I agree with them, but I do not agree that
Man is a blob that can be trained to be a nice guy so long as he is put in
the role of a lone carnivore. Man like any other monkey is an imitator. The
club and the carrot of legalism are not enough. Culture restricts Man within
set parameters. It is learned behavior based on experience and an attempt to
understand things that seem irrational. The idea that Man evolved as a
result of culture is a Lamarckian error. Evolution demands an arena of
struggle. It changes organisms as mutations are put to the test of survival.
In the case of mankind, warfare was the arena, and physical adaptation to it
caused those changes to occur that resulted in "sapienization, "or Homo Sap"
as H,L. Mencken called us. Dualism mandates that we take the other side of
this question. Certainly Man is influenced by his culture but he is also
hag-ridden with Jungian archetypes from his past. The purpose of this book
is to illustrate what some of these instincts are and where they came from.
In order to do this I will regrettably have to polemicize against the ideas
of my betters. In the heat of a struggle for a new idea it is easy to fall
into the trap of being one-sided. I will try to keep aware of this. The
Marxist like the Supply Sider is convinced that "truth" is concrete. It is
not. It is like the Yin and the Yang. In order to be true one must keep one
truth separate from the other. Light is a duality . . . it travels in waves
and as particles.

The science of anthropology defensively denies that Man is a technological
carnivore. Man does not kill simply to eat. Man has killed millions for
religion. Does this mean that we give up on this bloody wanton killer? Of
course not! Besides representing technology, Man is the only significant
example of altruism in nature. He shares. He loves. He sings and dances and
paints and acts and comnposes symphonies that are played by dedicated
artists. He sends relief to people in famines and all manner of natural and
man-made disasters. He is a philanthropist, a doctor, a missionary, and a
social worker. Like the little girl with the curl in the middle of her
forehead. When she was good she was very, very good, but when whe was bad
she was horrid.

The schizophrenic nature of Man is one of the problems we must look at.
Certainly it originated with the early primates who like the Chimps were
reasonably social with their own band but warlike with a band outside their
territory. Earliest Man's possession of technology and increasing
intelligence caused a terrible dichotomy to arise. War became neccesary
because the social band with weapons became biologically succesful. They
soon overgrazed their own hunting grounds and pushed against that of their
neighbors. They had intelligence enough to know that these were human beings
like themselves and the considered murder to be a terrible thing. In order
to resolve this trauma these inventors of technology developed a technique
to deal with it. They invented totemism. With war-paint, boars tusks through
their nostrils tattooing, and adopting an animal persona, they were able to
kill their enemies and avert the wrath of the spirits.

This same anachronism serves today as American football teams call
themselves The Lions, The Bears, or the Sea Hawks . . .names that are
obviously totemic. The old chief in the movie "Little Big Man" with Dustin
Hoffman made a point about the Cheyenne being "The Human Beings," The down
side of this was that no one else was a human being, not the Crow nor the
Blackfoot or Comanche, and certainly not General George Armstrong Custer . .
. These animals could be slain with a clear conscience.

When modern peoples go to war the enemy is dehumanized by his different
uniform and flag totem and is called Kraut, Jap, Limey, Yank, Gook, or
Rag-head. The Crips and the Bloods, inner city gangs in Los Angeles, use
colors . . . the Crips wear blue and the bloods red. They go to unusual
lengths to differentiate themselves from the enemy. They use hand signs and
even alter their language to proclaim their uniqueness.

Primitive and not so primitive peoples are animists. They believe that every
object in nature has a spirit. It is easy to see how the very practical
reason for totemism led it to become a religion. Patriotism is a sub-set of
totemic feeling. The flag makes the hairs of the patriots neck stand up as
he feels the spirit.

Technology breeds technique and technique finds solutions. The old problem
of a technological animal being biologically successful is increasing the
world population in incremental bounds. This crisis of overpopulation is
bringing back the warrior tribes armed with modern weapons. Some even have
atom bombs and threaten the very planet itself. The rush to "one-world" by
international economic interests does not take the totem gene into
consideration. The United Nations must be powerfully armed and approach
these problems in a draconian way. The present liberal and timid leaders
will be forced to give way to more hard-handed and hard-headed activists.
There is no reasoning with the tribal warrior. The leader of the Bosnian
Serbs is cutely playing the same game with them that Adolph Hitler did with
Neville Chamberlain. The Somalian warrior Abib made fools out of the United
States. Aggression is the warriors stock in trade. If he negotiates . . . it
is only to buy time so that his next attack will be more murderous.

We cannot make sense out of the human condition without a dualistic
approach. The police interrogators always have a good guy and a bad guy.
This dual attack is invariably successful. The duality of male and female
must be respected also. It may be convienient to have a unisex workplace
because employers are unwilling to pay a man enough to support a family but
the separation of male from female functions in society is millions of years
old and is not going to be so easily done away with. The only division of
labor in a primitive tribe was that between men and women. Women were food
gatherers and responsible for the tribal organization. They held the tribe
together while the men were hunting or making war. Women not only belong in
politics . . . they should dominate politics. In the primitive tribe the men
stayed with the men and the women with the women and children. When a boy
reached puberty he was Bar Mitzvahed over to the men. The real reason for a
rite of passage was to insure the separation of the sexes. The truly
primitive tribesman had no idea of procreation. He was not a geneticist. It
was not until he began breeding animals as a pastoralist that he found out
that sex and having babies were connected.

Children in a primitive tribe had no idea who their father was and did not
care who their mother was. They belonged to the women and all women were
their mothers. The idea that a child needs a man around the house is
baloney. When a boy gets to the age of fourteen . . . he needs to be
introduced to the men. The English who retain some of the basics of a tribe
have their children raised by a governess. When the boy child reaches
puberty he has to leave mommy and nanny and is sent to a boys school where
he learns to be a Man. This has produced some of the worlds toughest
warriors and enabled a small island tribe to dominate the world for centuries.


I bartered my birhright for pottage

I scattered my pearls to the swine

now here I sit in my dotage

drinking a bottle of wine

I'm of the second generation

where the sins of the fathers extend

pouring my son's libation

so the curse of the ages will end