Learn vocabulary French medieval vocabulary A little about myself

his site is dedicated to the imaginative spirit of American and British people.

ell, here is the story. I'm a French student in medieval literature who'd like to be a French student in computing. A few times ago, an American friend of mine explained to me that she was creating a fascinating medieval game and she needed a French / English vocabulary for weapons and magical terms of the Middle-Age. Of course, I was the very person who could help her.

"Oh, eeeh, well, I said. That is, well, I don't know!" (I had never been that ashamed.) "Look at those stupid European people, she said, pointing virtually at me. Perfectly dumb in their own language!"
"OK, keep cool! I replied. I'm gonna put your stuff right!"( I wonder if I knew what I was saying...) So, here we are. Listen to me attentively cuz I won't repeat this twice:

ou've just landed on the right place to learn everything on medieval weapons and magic. The only problem is, you'll have to wait because I can't get online more than half or a quarter of a word each day. He, he, you'll have to come often around there. Bookmark this little corner on the web, and NOW return to the top of this page and click on the shiny thing!

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