MISTIERS: Bill Livingston TITLE: "Pure Luncay" by John Collins CHARACTERS: Mike, Crow, Servo, Dr.F, Pearl SUMMARY: A kid dreams up a very stupid axe-murderer, who then tries to kill him. That's as close to it as I can get. Anyone else who wants to summarize the plot is welcome to try, but I disclaim all repsonsibilty for therapy thereafter. CATAGORIES: [other?] HOST SEGMENTS: OPENER - Tom is having trouble coping with the Metric System. Forreste suspects Pearl is up to something, so he's bought himself an axe for protection. CLOSER - Mike sprays down the guys to get the stench of the "story" off of them. Pearl has been buying gardening supplies, including a new axe. Dr.F spots her, challenges her, and a "Highlander" style battle ensues. STINGER - Doubtless, if he could read he would have run away immediately, screaming. REFLECTIONS: I could say that this story hurt. But before I could do that, I'd have to understand what it was about. As the introduction says, "You thought Dog Distortion was wierd! It is but a mere squashed slug beneath the sole of my shoe in comparison to Pure Lunacy." The author seemed to have a particular aversion to the Australian housing industry. Maybe his house was overrun by koalas or something. That might explain this. Or not. Or something. I hav to go lie down, now. CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES: Season 7 RECOMMENDED READING: