MISTIERS: Jamas Enright TITLE: Zoe on the Couch by anonymous CHARACTERS: Mike and the bots, Dr F. (no Frank) SUMMARY: It's not a story, it's a rant against a critic. In fact, it's a long rant, centering on mistakes the ranter also makes, and blows out off all proportion the spelling of a wrong word. But it's all in fun as the ranter admits they just wanted to advertise their stories. CATAGORIES: Er...rant...no, ad...er...Doctor Who fanfic? HOST SEGMENTS: Tom and Crow create their own show, and talk about the toilet life of the Amazonian marsupial. REFLECTIONS: The first MiSTing I ever posted. I found it on alt.drwho.creative and thought it so stupid that I interrupted the MiSTing I was working on just to rip it apart. CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES: [Apparently season 7?] RECOMMENDED READING: [none]