The author is a member of The HTML Writers Guild

Cascading Style Sheets 4 Beginners

The place to come once you have gained a fair understanding of HTML. are able to create web pages with working links and are able to upload them to your web site.

If not, then go to my HTML 4 Beginners page where you'll find everything you'll need to know.

This too is not meant to be a tutorial but only a place where you will find links to sites that I have found usefull in learning how to create your own web site. Anyone that is familiar with the "net" knows the frustration in encountering the many "dead" sites or ones that are poorly maintained containing links that go nowhere. There is also the problem of information changing at such a fast pace that much of what you find is out of date.

The following links are not only current, but comprehensive and easy to understand. I have placed them in such an order so that if you start at the top and work your way down, you will learn much faster.