So who am I?
Well, here are a few facts about myself...
My name is Michelle Laura Kinane. I was born on the eigth of March, 1978. I have now worked out the finer art of JPEG making, and there will be a photo page, which means I could get banned by Fortune City for showing shocking material! (giggle.)
I am studying at Southampton Instituteof Higher Education in England, doing HND Computing. I decided to do a webiste a couple of days before the sixth of March, 1998, and it took me that long to find a little space at Geocities. You know the rest of the story.
I honestly couldn't believe I had a website of my own in the beginning. In time, after saying I'd make it *really* interesting, I placed some stuff up here, some of which I intend to place up here. In any case, they will be things you no doubt things you either hate, or call useless crap. (Point of interest: I go for Self-Depreciation in a big way.)Either that, or your'e saying what a wonderful place this is (yeah right!!). I write, as a result of doing A- Level English Literature one and a half or so years ago. I found I could write, and write well. Shame that it's taken a thousand years for me to work out how to get stories *really* good.
08/03/1998: Today is my birthday. Twenty years old. Old. In a couple of years time I'll be classifyable as Ancient!(giggle.) I'm not feeling *that* bad, it's just that I'm no longer a teenager, and I've lost out on so much, and every day I lose more opportunities.
The problem is that I'm a Transexual woman. I could work in the circus as the Bearded Lady!(snigger). It's depressing. You see, unlike so many others you'll find on the 'Net, I'm no way near an Operation. So I have to have this fun time living a lie. I'm sick of it, to be honest. But enough of moping and looking gloomy, let's look on brighter things!
I'll no doubt be typing away on my little old computer tonight, plotting as I do every night to take over the world... Well, it's getting my second novel finished. I thought that the story had been sorted out a long time ago, but it seems that I've got a million more chapters to do, and five minutes to do it in. That's life, I suppose...
In terms of University, it's a mixed bag. The course is more or less fine- I can do most of it (except ADA- a weird programming language created by Martians... and Martian is understandable compared to ADA...) it's the people. I've recently had people write stupid little comments next to my name on the resister sheet, and pathetic e-mails. This is the problem with a men-dominated course...
I really miss girl's company. Back in the Sixth Form I was at, I was studying GNVQ Health and Social Care. And there was lots of girls there, and it was a laugh. It's strange, but I was seen as "one of the girls" A LOT more than "one of the lads." I never really associated with the blokes- they were sexist pigs that needed to grow up.
Anyway, I think that's enough mad rambling, for now. Thanks for reading this, though.
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This page was created on 06 March, 1998 This page was updated on 23 May, 1998