Family & Relatives


Check out the pics of baby Philip!

Now for ma Barra, da Barra, bro and sisses, ma Hopeman, Da Hopeman, dogs etc. We need to get some of your pics on here as well as your inner most secrets so we can share with the cyber world community!

Lets start a rumour. Brother Ruairi is better looking than Paul... what crap!

Grandma Hopeman is only 40!

Da Barra loves to fish (false). He loves to dream about catching the big one but can't be bothered getting out his chair!

Grandpa Hopeman thinks his Nova car is a chick pulling Ferrari.

Sis Julie attracts guys like a magnet... all the wrong ones though.

Mr Paul is super cool, hot and sexy, intelligent, good looking. (TRUE!!!!!) Great what you can do with your own site don't you agree.

Sandy the dog thinks he's a cat. (false) Sandy the dog is way too energetic (too true).