
Dream World

Thailand was our first trip out of Singapore. We spent five days here and enjoyed lots of interesting experiences. We took a package deal with a Singapore crowd, but that was way too organized for our liking. Also days were very hectic as we were up at 6am and finished at 11pm! Singapore people love to shop... infact that is all they seem interested in, so we're not sure how they liked the trip.

So what about Bangkok then... first impressions are a very dirty, smelly polluted city with extreme heat and humidity. Also, lots of poverty too. We've never felt heat like it and must have consumed close to a gallon of water each per day! One thing though, the people do appear very friendly in general.

We had a free and easy day doing what we liked and that was great. Took public transport everywhere and saw a lot of the city including many splendid temples. All in all we'd go back again especially to see the ancient cities in the north of the country.