Douglas Tribute Nets $1.4 Million Actor, father   and friends gather for UCSF benefit Peter Stack, Ruthe Stein, Chronicle Staff Writers

Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Michael Douglas' pals Danny DeVito, Karl Malden, Sharon Stone, Sean Penn and Martin Sheen -- along with Douglas' girlfriend, Catherine Zeta- Jones-- came to San Francisco on Monday night to pay  tribute  to the actor. His 83-year-old father, Kirk Douglas, arrived on the arm of Paramount chief Sherry Lansing.

Their presence at a benefit concert at Davies Symphony Hall helped raise $1.4 million for the University of California at San Francisco's Brain Tumor Research Center. The center's pediatric program will now bear Michael Douglas' name.

The guest of honor, his trademark blue eyes twinkling, hopped out of a limo for a preconcert dinner at City Hall. He made his way briskly through fans and photographers to help Zeta- Jones out of the car. She was dressed in a low-cut, floor-length black Christian Lacroix gown. The lapels on the front resembled a tuxedo jacket -- but with no shirt underneath.

``This is so great,'' Douglas said. ``I'm incredibly happy to be here, especially with my dad.''

It was just the second time Zeta-Jones had been to San Francisco. She and Douglas spent the day having lunch with friends and relaxing. From the looks of the elaborate curls piled on top of her head, she may also have been to the hairdresser.

Many of her impressions of the city were formed as a child watching her beau' s 1970s TV series, ``The Streets of San Francisco,'' on British television.

``I used to watch movies that were shot here, including ones that Michael was in,'' said the 30-year-old Welsh actress. Clips from his San Francisco films, ``Basic Instinct'' and ``The Game,'' were shown at the Davies tribute, called ``Stars for Life.''

Zeta-Jones appeared onstage to ``talk about the future,'' she said. When the audience tittered, thinking she might be announcing her rumored engagement to the 55-year-old Douglas, she coyly added she meant only that she was going to introduce a clip from his forthcoming film ``The Wonder Boys.''

Davies Hall was sold out for the old-fashioned stage show, which included show tunes and was headlined by Ellen DeGeneres doing stand- up for the first time in years. Looking the thinnest she has in a long time in dark slacks and sweater, she proved she hasn't lost any of her comic timing.

DeGeneres was especially funny in a routine about trying on clothes in a dressing room. ``I just love looking at my ass,'' she joked, turning so she could admire it from every angle.

Her act cracked up Penn, seated next to his wife, Robin Wright Penn. It was a relief to see him laugh. The actor had been doing his method scowl for
most of the evening.

As Kirk Douglas walked onstage to an orchestral salute, his son was spotted in the wings grabbing Zeta- Jones around the waist and swaying with her
to the music. The senior Douglas, whose recovery from a stroke has been remarkable, stole the show with a story about the award of Michael's that really impressed him: gas station attendant of the month.


He recalled that his son had taken the job to repent for bad behavior. ``I can't remember. He may have smoked marijuana,'' said Douglas, adding with a
laugh, ``I better not say that in case he runs for president.'' A clip from ``The American President'' showed just how presidential Michael can be. He
wasn't the only actor at Monday's event to have played a U.S. president. Sheen was beaming over his success in the hit TV series ``The West Wing,''
over which he presides as president. His escort for the evening was daughter Renee Estevez, 30, who plays a White House staffer on her dad's show.


Sheen said he couldn't turn down the invitation to attend the tribute to his longtime buddy. Also, Michael gave me a bag of money to show up,'' he said.

Surveying the crowd, Sheen said it was the kind of party Chronicle Society Editor Pat Steger, who died Sunday, would have loved. ``We should all
think about her for a moment tonight,'' he said.

Steger also was remembered by Stone, who, addressing the audience at Davies, called her "a friend of many of you, a truly decent, courageous
and loyal friend and an incredible professional.'' "`Entertainment Tonight'' host Mary Hart was the evening's emcee. She had a special reason for being
there: Her husband, former Hollywood producer Burt Sugarman, underwent successful brain tumor surgery nine years ago at UCSF. His recovery was
the impetus for Douglas becoming involved with the tumor center.

It was old-home week for Malden and his wife, Mona. They kept an apartment at the Huntington Hotel when he co-starred with Douglas in ``The
Streets of San Francisco.'' ``I love being back to this great city I used to roam,'' he said.  French Canadian actress Genevieve Bujold, who
co-starred with Douglas in ``Coma,'' said he insisted on her flying up for the evening. Her latest film, ``Last Days,'' about how a group of people spend their last six hours before the world ends, opens here Friday.

Singers and songwriters Ashford and Simpson, more Michael Douglas chums, attended as well.

The celebs and local swells -- including Danielle Steel and her ever- tan boyfriend, George Hamilton; Jo Schuman Silver; Don and Doris Fisher; Ann
Moller Caen; and Giants CEO Larry Baer with wife Pam -- were greeted by four herald trumpeters. A string orchestra on the grand rotunda stairway
serenaded the crowd as it arrived.

UCSF's Brain Tumor Research Center was the focus of the event. The famed facility has led the way in medical imaging technologies and advanced diagnostic research.


The real stars of the night were Dr. Charles Wilson, founder of the research center, and director Mitchel S. Berger. Wilson, who attended with his wife,
Francie, helped revolutionize brain tumor study.

The evening's organizer, Deborah Strobin, said that as late as a month ago there was no headliner for the event. ``I called up Ellen DeGeneres and
pleaded with her. She was so great. She dropped everything and came at the last minute.''

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