We're women. We're women who drive and who like our cars! Okay, we're women who own three motorcylces between us (and KB get's to 'watch over' her dad's bike for four), and we drive them as much as we can. But in the winter, Lori's prone to chest colds, and she learned long ago to give up trying to ride her beloved bike in 'incliment' weather. Actually, our bikes were one of our common topics and part of why we started seeing eachother. So it's little wonder that we race on weekend... sometimes. |
Loretta : I've often owned a car and a bike, but not until recently has it been a NICE car and a bike. Always, becuase I lived in sunny California, I've been able to have a decent car and a great bike. My first car, however, was my Aunt Jane's. I don't have it anymore, and all the pictures I have of it aren't any good, so KB downloaded this one. Pretty much that's what Mr. Yellow Bug looked like. I had that tin-can from when I was 22 until I sold it just two years ago. |
Loretta : My new car is a Saturn, and KB drives it as much as I do. It's a great deal, and I love the service a Saturn comes with. Actually, Saturn is a very 'girl' car company, all the caring. Most of my female friends agree that they'd buy a Saturn just from the comercials. Of course, one day I will own the new Beetle. I love it, it's so cute (yes, I say cute). Now, if I only had $15,200 to waste on a CAR! |
The new VW Bug. I want