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The List
This is The List. Started three years ago this ancient scroll contains
a list of all the things I hate. Over Time the parchment has been altered.
Here is the most recent version. It will be updated everytime something new
becomes hated. These are NOT in order of how much I hate them. They
are how I think of them.

1. Bright Lights
2. Loud Noises
3. The Dark
4. Male pattern Baldness
5. Diseases
6. Third World Countries
7. Poor people
8. Having bad breath
9. When I can't accomplish something
10. Death
11. Drowning
12. Burning
13. Being a Bastard
14. Having a sword that is to heavy to wield...
15. Being too lazy to do alot on this website >_<
16. Not being adored by women
17. Not being rich. Yet.
18. Not being the ruler or earth. Yet.
19. Not having mucho moola.
20. Not being able to remember the original list!!!
21. Not Being Able to play Ragnarok Online.
22. School is starting soon...
23. Insomnia
24. Bugs
25. Small Vermin
26. Moles
26. Rodents
27. Being awake at 5:00 am
28: Bitchy girls
29. Not being able to get cute girls...
30. JOEY!
31. David Young
32. Not knowing if People are Enjoying the site
33. Social Anxiety
34. Insomnia
35. Cold
36. Hot
37. Luke
38. Eric
39. Basically every other boy in class
40. Alot of other gay people..
41. Joey
42. Joey
43. Joey
44. Joey
45. Joey
46. Josh
47. Josh
48. Josh
49. Josh
50. Josh
51. Matt
52. Matt
53. Matt
54. Matt
55. Matt
56. Richard
57. Richard
58. Richard
59. Richard
60. Richard
61. Razor Burn
62. Crappy Television shows
63. Repeats
64. Running out of Creamy Milk Chocolate
65. Paranoia
66. Neil
67. Neil
68. Neil
69. Neil
70. Neil
71. "Brandon"
72. "Brandon"
73. "Brandon"
74. "Brandon"
75. "Brandon"
76. Lulu
77. Pain
78. Not just pain, but internal Pain
79. Aggrivation
80. Evil Puerto Ricans