Here you will find various sounds taken from Hercules: the Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess. Sounds are respectfully used without permission.
See pics of the guys on this page: Eye Candy
alive.wav 58K
Ares: "I've never felt so alive and if this keeps up, I can pay back Dear Old Dad for all the spankings he's given me."
allmen.wav 45K
Autolycus: "All men think they're fascinating. In my case it's justified."
amazons.wav 9K
Autolycus: "So is anyone else concerned that we're being pursued by a pack of crazed amazons?"
amused.wav 16K
Ares: "One must keep amused."
askforit.wav 5K
Xena: "You're really asking for it, aren't you?"
bestman.wav 55K
Ares: "But sometimes the best man for a job is a woman."
biteme.wav 12K
Discord: "Bite me, baby!"
bringit.wav 17K
Ares: "Bring it on, Pretty Boy!"
callisto.wav 19K
Callisto: "Any new husbands since the last one I killed?"
chewthis.wav 15K
Autolycus: "Bend over and chew on this."
climb.wav 20K
Xena: "Go ahead, climb up my body."
comepapa.wav 9K
Autolycus: "Come to papa!"
defile.wav 25K
Autolycus: "Ah... another day, another defilement."
deviant.wav 51K
Discord: "Telling a deviant not to deviate, that's not fair!"
dressed.wav 33K
Ares: "All dressed up and no one to kill."
f_word.wav 5K
Autolycus: "You know I love to hear you say the f-word."
foreplay.wav 38K
Ares: "Not exactly my idea of foreplay, but it'll do."
gottahrt.wav 23K
Autolycus: "Ooh, that's gotta hurt!"
hurtyou.wav 77K
Gabrielle: "Did I hurt you?"
Xena: "No, no. Loving every moment of it."
illenjoy.wav 52K
Sovereign: "Go ahead, fight me. I'll enjoy it."
imahero.wav 33K
Joxer: "I'm not a sidekick, I'm a hero!"
interest.wav 25K
Salmoneus: "Men - they're only interested in one thing."
iolhungr.wav 66K
Iolaus: "Boy, I'm so hungry, I could eat a really big, juicy, great thing."
joxer.wav 11K
Joxer: "I think I bruised my brain."
kisself.wav 36K
Autolycus: "Gadzooks. If I were a woman, I'd kiss myself."
laugh.wav 61K
Joxer: "Excuse me while I laugh" {laughs}
leering.wav 8K
Autolycus: "I'm not just leering at scantily clad women, you know. I'm working."
legshigh.wav 37K
Widow Twanky: "I want to see those legs high in the air, but not too far apart."
lionhart.wav 57K
Joxer: "Joxer the Lion-Hearted is ready for action!"
lovethng.wav 57K
Ares, God of Love: "That's better. Now it's a love thing."
lovetoy.wav 109K
Sovereign: "I see you brought a new love toy."
Alt Xena: "Oh Sov, you're so... you're so good when you're bad."
lvrfghtr.wav 80K
Ares, God of Love: "It is times like this I regret the fact that I am a lover, not a fighter."
manhandl.wav 36K
Widow Twanky: "How they manhandled me and it's been so long."
masochst.wav 132K
Hercules: "I'm starting to think you're a masochist."
Ares: "What'd you call me?"
Hercules: "A masochist."
Ares: "You know, I kinda like the sound of that."
mnyskils.wav 25K
Xena: "I have many skills."
mortals.wav 93K
Ares: "I've been hanged, swung over a fire and nearly shish-ka-bobbed on razor sharp spikes. How do you mortals get from day to day, you know?"
mylord.wav 24K
Xena: "My pleasure is yours, My Lord."
nthnunsl.wav 67K
Autolycus: "Muzzles. Leather bonds. Manacles, oh. Nothing unusual here."
peaksvly.wav 55K
Autolycus: "Look at the firmness of those rounded peaks - the cleft in that valley."
physpun.wav 54K
Ares: "Well you're good, girly, but when it comes to physical punishment - I invented the art."
pigs.wav 22K
Hercules: "What is it with people and pigs?"
playnice.wav 13K
Xena: "Now go home, all of you, until you can play nice."
playself.wav 28K
Hercules: "Sorry, but you'll have to play with yourself."
pounded.wav 54K
Ares: "Ya know, some people are just begging to get pounded."
scare.wav 49K
Aphrodite: "Did the little, blond girly scare the big, hairy men?"
sckbrain.wav 72K
Ares: "Ah, all right. Just so long as you promise to suck his brain out!"
scream.wav 24K
Sovereign: "You are gonna scream now."
showbaby.wav 5K
Autolycus: "Show me your stuff, baby!"
spank.wav 99K
Ares: "You are so impudent. What you deserve is a good spanking."
stepout.wav 48K
Ares: "That's it, pretty boy! Let's step outside."
tease.wav 34K
?: "And you are such a tease."
thigh.wav 22K
Gabrielle: "Thigh, breast? Who wants what?"
twnkhold.wav 260K
Widow Twanky: "Don't you 'pardon me' me, you! I shall give you 'pardon me'. I could 'pardon me' you into the middle of next week. Now hold that hand out. Right now young man, or there shall be no lesson today. Oh... that's quite a strong hand really. Shapely forearm. Look at the size of those biceps! Oh, it's huge! Hold me!"
twnkprac.wav 118K
Widow Twanky: "Oh, practicing? Is that what you call it these days? Mucking about, discovering appendages you never even knew you had. Ooh, you are a nasty, nasty little boy! Put your hand out now!"
unme.wav 42K
Ares: "You and me? Think about it."
virgins.wav 50K
Ares: "Hmm, virgins. Gotta love them. And I mean that."
wannaply.wav 55K
Xena: "Hey boys! Wanna play?"
wantyou.wav 43K
Ares: "What I want, is what I've always wanted - you."
xenagab.wav 143K
Xena: "All I want is to be with you right now. My best friend... my family. I love you, Gabrielle."
Gabrielle: "I love you, Xena."
yahmomma.wav 15K
Ares: "Yeah, momma!"
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