Battle Droids:

With the Jedi Knights to quell conflicts, few standing armies are maintained in the Republic that serve anything other than ceremonial purposes. An army could be reguarded as an open threat to galactic peace and intimidate member worlds.With procedural bickering tying up the Galactic Senate, the use of force has become a real threat. The wealthy Trade Federation has quietly gone far beyond any other group in assembling a massive army composed of emotionless droid soldiers that are ready to do their master's bidding without a touch of remorse or mercy. Their deployment upon the peaceful world of Naboo heralds the end of an age of peace and security in the galaxy.

Battle droids

Battle droid on a STAP.

Battle droid scouts and antipersonnel clean-up snipers are swept through the air on armed Single Trooper Aerial Platforms (STAPs). The repulsorlift STAP's minimal structure allows it to thread it's way through dense forest that would be inaccessible to larger vehicles. Their lack of independent thought processors make battle droids immune to fear, cowardice, or mercy pleas. The movements are the result of pre-digitized motion-capture data taken from live soldiers and broadcast by the Central Control Computer to each droid. Several components are modular, allowing for rapid configuration changes .

Battle droids follow their orders without question.

Battle droids fold up for efficient storage.

For efficient storage, battle droids are built to fold up tightly, compressing to minimal volume. In compressed configuration, 112 droids can be loaded and carried in the special deployment rack of an MMT. Battle droids overwhelm their enemies through coordinated tactics and sheer force of numbers. They are designed to resemble skeletal Neimoidian bodies in order to look threatening and strike fear in their victims.

Color identifiers show droid designations.OOM-9 is a Command Officer.

In order to streamline communication between Trade Federation officials and their droid troops, certain battle droids, such as OOM-9 (pictured above), are designated Command Officers. Orders are conveyed to officer droids via priority channels from the Central Control Computer processor. Battle droids are structurally identical irrespective of job function. To increase efficciency, however, droids are pre-programmed with specialized subroutines. Infantry and Command Officer droids are fitted with power backpacks to boost operational range and to extend recharge intervals.

The different color schemes for battle droid designations.

Galactic Basic numerals are used to identify individual battle droids

Handy conversion chart for Galactic Basic numerals.