They roll into action, a near invincible force.

Destroyer Droids roll into action. Click for larger view.

Designed in their maker's image, drodekas are fearsome creations


To make up for the weakness of battle droids, a special contract was awarded for the creation of an altogether different combat droid that would be a much more serious weapon. The design was created by a species of chitinous Colicoids in their own image on a planet far from the Republic's core. Colicoids are known for their unfeeling and murderous ways, and Colla IV has been embroiled for many years in diplomatic disputes related to the death and consumption of visitors to the system. The droideka was exactly what concerned Trade Federation officers wanted: A formidable, heavy-duty killing machine to back up the battle droids in the face of a determined enemy. They are also known as destroyer droids in many parts of the galaxy.

A head on look at a droideka. Droideka as seen from the rear.

Head-on to an attacker, a droideka presents blazing guns and a fearsome image as well as a minimal target silhouette for opponents who survive long enough to return fire. Desperate enemies attempting to attack from behind find that it's armor is extremely effective, and it's moving legs and gun arms are hard to hit.

Using a combination of momentum and repulsor effects, droidekas unfurl in a matter of seconds from wheel form into standing position, ready to attack. The dramatic transformation recalls the attack pattern of a deadly adult Colicoid, and can take unwary opponents by surprise -- as the droids' makers intended.

The droideka carry their own deflector shield generators that can completely repel pistol fire and substantionally weaken high-energy rifle or artillery bolts. This makes them devestating and nearly invincible in combat. They generate the shields using on-board mini-reactors contained in their armored bases. These reactors also power the droids' volt-guzzling movement systems and weapons.

Destroyer Droid in wheel formation

For compact storage and optimum travel speed, droidekas retract into the shape of a wheel. Using pulsed internal micro-repulsors in sequence, they roll themselves into battle, opening at the last minute into their combat form. In transit, the wheel configuration presents a smaller faster target to enemy gunfire.

When a droideka is ready to begin an assult, it quickly unfolds and stands on three legs. It's pneumatic arms flex open and it's eerie head rises with it's sensors blazing red. Made only for combat and specialized for the single purpose of destruction, the droideka has no need of hands, instead, powerful twin blasters are built onto it's arms. Unlike battle droids, every part of the droideka is heavy alloy or armor plate, making the machine a fearsome specter that cuts down soldiers by the dozen with ease.

Like battle droids, droidekas have no independent logic processors on board and are run by a Central Control Computer signal. The Colicoids dislike this system and have built custom droidekas equiped with computer brains.





Images and text taken from the Star Wars visual dictionary.No affiliation with Lucasfilm is intended. Strictly for fan enjoyment..