
Among the podracer pilots of the rugged Outer Rim circuit, Sebulba has accelerated his way to the top with an unbeatable combination of courage, skill, and outrageous cheating. His murderous tactics often bring his competitors down in flames, but he knows where the race cameras are placed and manages to avoid being seen. In spite of his crimes, Sebulba has found that in Mos Espa success makes it's own rules. Now enjoying the power and prestige of being a top racer, the unscrupulous Dug has just one thorn in his side, the young padracer named Anakin Skywalker. His anger toward Anakin stems chiefly from fear. If the young human were ever to win a race, even by accident, Sebulba wouldd be disgraced. The hateful Dug intends to make sure this never happens. Subulba has been known to add "secret weapons" to his podracer that can prove not just inconvenient, but down-right fatal to his opponents.
Twi'lek Twins:

Sebulba hates the Hutts, but he has learned a thing or two about how to spend money from attending their parties. The vile Dug has recently purchased expensive blue Rutian Twi'lek twins, which he uses as masseuses. He uses them partly to put him in best form for the races, but also to irritate and intimidate his fellow racers, steeping them in jealousy. The tactic has been very effective, with several podracers openly trying to win over the twins' affections.

The Twi'lek twins. Which is Ann Gella?

Sebulba's Podracer

Sebulba's giant Collor Pondrat Plug-F Mammoth Split-X Podracer would be classified as illegally large if race officials were ever able to take a close look at it. Concealed weapons like Sebulba's flame emitter lend that special winning edge during a race. Podracer cockpits are customized to suit the particular driver's anatomy. Sebulba's complex array of control pedals and levers is woven into an even more complicated automatic data transmission bank that provides readouts of all engine conditions during the race.

Dug's are notorious as bullies.

The race crowds love a winner, and Sebulba delivers victories time and again. The odious Dug plays to the crowd when in their sight, and has become a heavy favorite in the betting pools.

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