Coruscant has been the center of galactic government for tens of thousands of years. It's early history is now shrouded in legend and mystery. The Galactic Senate meets in an enormous domed building, passing laws and determining the political fate of the galaxy.

The Galctic Republic's seat of power.

Supreme Chancellor Valorum

Chancellor Valorum:

A lifetime of preperation and dedication led to Finis Valorum's election as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate. Valorum inherited the legacy of a family whose greatest members had each represented more than 1,000 worlds. Centuries ago, a Valorum served as Supreme Chancellor. Finis Valorum has now equalled this achievement, ruling the entire Republic from the Galactic seat on Coruscant. However, he has also inherited a government grown weak from it's own success: the galactic represenatives have become distanced from their peoples and now the entire system is degrading.

Increasingly, Supreme Chancellor Valorum has been influenced by Senators such as Palpatine to compromise what he knows is right for the sake of approved procedure. He is also plagued by baseless rumors of scandle and corruption, fueled by Senate members who are themselves corrupt and hungry for even more power and influence. Valorum is accompanied by his aide, Sei Taria when he presides over the ruling body.

Chancellor Finis Valorum

Sei Taria

Sei Taria:

Chancellor Valorum's administrative aide, Sei Taria assists him in confirming the fine details of necessary procedural regulations. She has learned much from Senator Palpatine. Sei is Valorum's most trusted confidant and her understanding of the bureaucracy and it's idiosyncrasies is a valued asset to him.

Mas Amedda:

Sitting to the Chancellor's right, the stern Chagrian Mas Amedda is responsible for keeping order in the Senate. Accused of misusing his parliamentary powers for bribes, Amedda stands firm by his own code of honor.

Mas Amedda

Senator Palpatime

Senator Palpatine:

Endless patience has been Palpatine's key to success. Passed over as a young politian and repeatedly turned down for office appointments, he has learned the value of quiet persistence. Palpatine has risen through the ranks to attain the powerful office of sectorial represenative to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant. Palpatine represents some 36 worlds in a backwater sector, of which his provincial home planet of Naboo is typical. Turning this background to his advantage, Palpatine has been ever-present in the halls of galactic politics, impressing friends and opponents alike with his unassuming demeanor and simple but powerful insights into how the galaxy could be better run. It is of little surprise to insiders when he is nominated for the office of Supreme Chancellor.

The Senate:

The power of the sectorial senators is immense, as they control access to the Senate for sometimes hundreds of planets. The temptations that go with such power are equally great. Corrupt Senators are no longer unusual, even at the highest levels, and few Republic citizens expect anything but empty promises and word games from anyone who sets foot on Coruscant. In truth, many Senators are simply lazy and greedy, but by doing nothing to stop the spread of evil they become some of it's greatest supporters. Senators are attended by assistants, aides, and consorts acording to the customs and traditions of their home worlds and sectors. Many young aides are repulsed by the abuses of government they see on Coruscant, but they stay on, eluctant to lose their positions of power.

Senator Orn Free Taa:

Indulgent lifestyles are nowhere more extreme than on Coruscant. Senator Orn Free Taa has found possibilities beyond his wildest dreams. He views galactic government as merely the sport of the mighty like himself. In his excesses he has grown vile and corpulent, but he is confident that money and power will always make him attractive.

Senator Orn Free Taa and his consort, a rare red-skinned Twi'lek.

Senator Yarua from Kashyyk

Senator Yarua:

Renowned for their tempers, Wookie Senators are nonetheless possessed of a firm sense of fair justice. Senator Yarua of Kashyyk finds commercial power within the Senate reprehensible and is determined to restore justice to galactic Government. He is encouraged by Senator Palpatine's reputation as someone apart from corruption.

Senatorial Politics:

Many Senators have become known for judicious nonalignment, allowing their worlds to profit from supplying both sides in conflicts. Critics commrnt that the three-eyed Malastarians like Senator Baskol Yeesrim can not only see both sides of an issue, but can always spot their position right in the center. Baskol is one of the three Senators nominated for the office of Supreme Chancellor after Valorum is forced from office by a vote of no confidence.

Senator Baskol Yeesrim from Malastare.

Prince Bail Antilles

Bail Antilles

Prince Bail Antilles:

The third nominee for the office of Chancellor is the prominant Senator to the Republic from Alderaan, Bail Antilles. His aides are excited about the prospects of working at such a level..

Alderaan Aides: Liana Merian & Agrippa Alderete\

Liana Merian & Agrippa Aldrete

Tendau Bendon addresses the Senate

Ichtorian Senators (above) and the Trade Federation Represenative Lott Dod (right) are shown here in their floating senate platforms.

Lott Dod expresses his displeasure

Aqualish Represenatives

The vast amphitheater of the Senate Rotunda features 1024 platforms. The majority are used by sectorial Senators, who represent their own planet and many others in a galactic sector. The remaining platforms are available for limited periods, to alliances, commercial powers or even individual planets with special causes to bring them before the full Galactic Senate.

Senator Argente watches the proceedings

Passel Argente

A Rodian Senator

Rodian Represenative

Mot Not Rab

Mot Not Rab

The Diversity of the Senate:

A vast range of alien species populate the enormous Senate Rotunda, they hail from every corner of the Republic. Among them can be seen the traditional costumes of hundreds of worlds, as well as many fashions that are particular only to Coruscant.

When a Senate represenative is recognized for official speech, their platform detaches from the Rotunda and flies out into the open chamber for prominence. A squadron of flying hovercams patrols the Rotunda to record the speeches and votes of the Senators, and to relay the proceedings to not only the rest of the represenatives, but to the constituants across the galaxy.

There are rumors of corrupt camera operators, who abuse their responsibility and omit to record certain individuals, while others allow unscrupulous Senators to alter the record of their words after they are spoken.

Senator Horox Ryyder

Horox Ryyder

The Senate Guard The Senate Guard:

The guards of the Galactic Senate wear striking robes of deep blue, symbolizing the Senate's supreme authority and the long tradition of it's wise and just rule. The large, highly visible crest on the helmet and the simple drape of the robes are ceremonial effects rather than functional designs. They carry a large, seemingly unwieldy rifle that is ceremonial in nature, but also is functional and very dangerous.

The guards are ubiquitous in the main Senate Rotunda and in the halls of galactic power. Detachments of the loyal guards follow the Supreme Chancellor wherever he goes, serving not only as bodyguards, but as reminders of his high office.

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