Thanks for showing interest in King Friday's mailing list. On the mailing list, you will be sent a newsletter every time we have enough new information to fill a page.. which is about every month or so. You will also receive announcements whenever we have a new show or a major update to the site. The newsletter is a monthly email that will be sent directly to your mailbox. It's in rich text format, meaning that it looks and feels like a web page, except it's viewable only by our subscribers, without having to remember user names and passwords. By being a subscriber to our newsletter, you'll also receive news on upcoming shows, ahead-of-time site updates, and participate in a monthly poll. You'll also be able to have a say in how our site looks. Also, if for some reason you want to read a past newsletter, you'll be able to access the archive over the web. And of course, because their's no postage or printing costs, it's free.