Stephan Wagener

 Hi, my name is Stephan and I live in Melbourne, Australia.

WebCam now operating

Click here to learn a little more about me or surf through my pages.
Please contact me if you are a member of the Wagener Family
We are in the process of building a family website.

ICQ 6249471

Some stuff I like or have been given
Please e-mail me at [email protected] or sign my 


WebCam Sites
Sean Patrick Live!
A great site!
Karen and Craig
Karen and Craig's Home Page
PenSearch Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Correspondence Club
Run by a friend.
Damanex Australia
My employer.
Joy Melbourne 90.7FM
Australia's first Gay & Lesbian radio station.
Online Greeting cards
This is great for anyone who forgets birthdays like I do.
Phil's Homepage
My friend Phil's page.
Lovely postcards
For FlightSimulator 98
Paul's Page
Paul's site
A friend's site
Australian Gay Professional Network
Site Links
Alexander's page
A page dedicated to my nephew Alexander.
Wagener Family page
The family page.
Site Map
A guide to this site
Stuff I like & have been given

Thank you to  for the great graphics

Updated 5 September 1999