An Interactive Weekly Newspaper full of stories, weekly articles, gay
news, news from the Pink Triangle chat room, trivia, BIOS, screen
names, and much, much more! Without YOU, the reader. the PT News would
not exist!
Pink Triangle News - Issue No. 61 - June 18,1999 - Circulation: 245
[email protected]
Editors of the PTNEWS
Alladdinn (Co-Editor, PT Birthdays) [email protected]
Freddieb (Co-Editor, Up Close & Personal) [email protected]
Quote of the week: "It takes guts to leave the ruts!" (Author unknown)
Howdy Guys and Gals! Welcome to this week's issue of the PT News!
Well, things here in Florida have somewhat calmed down a bit now that
both geese are here. The conclusion to the geese's story can be read
further down in the paper! I'd just like to take a moment to thank
everyone for your concern, help,
thoughts and prayers while we were trying to get these two men back
together again. It just proved to me that we could say we really do
have true friends among the PT family!

Thanks family!
Hint, Hint, Sunday is Father's Day! 
History of Father's Day
Father's Day, 3rd Sunday in June. The idea for creating a  day for
children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington.
A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd  thought of the idea for
Father's Day while listening to a  Mother's Day sermon in 1909.
Having been raised by her  father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her
mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to
It  was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in
the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. 
Sonora's father was born in June, so she chose  to hold the first
Father's Day celebration in Spokane,Washington on the 19th of June,
In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the third Sunday in June
as Father's Day. Roses are the Father's Day flowers: red to be worn
for a living father and white if the father has died. 
(Submitted by Ali)

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead
picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.
A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but
instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in
silence when you get hurt.
A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break
the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you
even when you fail...
Dad, you're everything a dad should be and some.

By Susan Ceylise.
NOW.without any further delay.We proudly bring you this week's edition
of the PT News! 
DISCLAIMER: It is the intent of this paper to provide an enjoyable,
informational reading material to you, the reader. The opinions and/or
advice given throughout this paper are those of the readers that
submit, and may not necessarily be those of the editors! All articles
and submissions have been accepted and printed here in good faith
(without editing) and is not verified, or researched by the editors,
therefore may not be true! 
RE__ - "Round 'em UP" 
Primebear - Gay Voice Of America & Coming OUT [email protected] 
Tech Master - Tech Tips [email protected]
Misty - Misty's Drag Bag 
Goldie12 - THE Poetry Corner [email protected]
Maxam - Our resident "Roving Reporter!"
Ganymede03 - Various articles

Hey PT Family. 
There's something I've been thinking about, as of late. With all that
has gone on with the Geeseboys in the past couple weeks, it has really
shown me just exactly what the Pink Triangle is all about! There have
been numerous emails, ICQ messages, IM's and phone calls from family
members asking what could be done to help them out in any way. I'm
sure Goose will go into detail in the near future on thanking some of
the people who were so generous in helping out during this rough time
for them, so I won't go into all of that at this time. However,
through it all it just proved to me what the people within the PT
actually mean to one another. True friendship is wonderful!

Another thing that occurred was the recent PT reunion. From all of the
stories that we have gotten from the people who attended, it appeared
everyone had a blast, and I honestly think next year's reunion is
going to be bigger and better than this year's, if that's possible! We
have already gotten offers from people who could not attend this year,
to help with next year's event, to make things run smoother and take
some of the load off of whoever hosts it.

I'd just like to take this time to thank everyone that has offered
their support during the Geese's migration south, and also the
reunion, as well as the many people who have kept the PT News going
strong for over a year now.
Something else that has been weighing heavy on my mind lately is how
the paper seems to be dwindling. Is there actually a lack of interest
in the content of the paper? Is there a lack of leadership by the
editors of the paper with the weekly contributors and submittals? Is
there something that we need to change about the paper to make it more
informative, interesting, educational and worthy of opening your email
containing the PT News? Each week, after sending out the paper, we get
at least 5-10 returns of people's email accounts being over quota,
which means simply that they are not reading their email. It used to
be that on Friday night at midnight EST, people were crowded in the
room and in observe, awaiting the arrival of the PT News. Upon the
announcement that the paper was being distributed, people scurried to
their emails to read the paper. Now, when we announce the arrival of
the paper, there are a few that scurry off to read its contents, but
for the most part, chat remains the same. Some respond quickly to its
contents, while others couldn't even tell you what was in the paper
each week.

Realizing of course that people have real lives outside of PT, being
the reason that some articles that were once consecutive within the
paper have become sparse and nonconsecutive. Our rule for consecutive
articles is this... if we do not receive an article for three
consecutive weeks, that specific article goes into an inactive file,
or is deleted from the paper. Therefore, those articles that we have
not gotten any responses to, or submissions for within the past three
weeks, after this week will go in the inactive file.

We understand of course that real life can be hectic at times, and
everyone needs a break from the paper. However, we would ask that if
you do not plan to continue an article for one reason or another, that
you please let us know so that we may find a replacement for that
slot, or if you just need some time away from it for a while. If it is
a lack of communication, or support on our part as editors, please
feel free to let us know, so that we can correct the problem! Thanks
for your cooperation in helping us in this matter! 

Our ultimate goal as editors is, and always has been to make the PT
News the most enjoyable, educational and informational reading
material possible for our readers! We put several hours into putting
the PT News together, for your reading enjoyment. This is, and has
always been a paper for the readers of the PT, by the people of the
Pink Triangle. We want the content of the paper to be what YOU as a
reader, enjoy reading about on a weekly basis. Although, if we do not
receive articles for submission, we have no other choice but to assume
interest has been lost by its readers, therefore the PT News is doomed
to fade out and eventually die. 

Thank you for listening, and you help in this matter in keeping your
PT News alive!
LETTERS TO THE EDITORS [email protected]
Send your letters to the editors to: [email protected]
ALL comments and suggestions are valuable to us in providing you with
the most enjoyable reading material possible! All will be taken into
There were NO letters sent in this week!
TECH TIPS and CYBER NEWS [email protected]

Several people have been asking for the addy to download the free
software in helping "mugs" view VP in all its glory, here is the
download addy:
(Submitted by Maxam)

A new e-mail attachment virus, called "PrettyPark.exe", is currently
only in
France, but ... "In order to protect themselves from PrettyPark and
other viruses, PC users should update their anti-virus software and
avoid opening e-mail
attachments."--,4,37458,00.html is a good article that
explains how these particular viruses are made and what the anti-virus
companies are doing to combat them.,4,37658,00.html tells about the
corporate e-mail systems that had to be shut down because of the virus
of a few days ago ("Worm.ExploreZip" or "Troj_Explore.Zip").  It
explains how this virus works, also, and how it can be removed with
anti-virus companies' fixes.
(Submitted by Maxam)

I had been doing Tech Support for Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet division
for about a month when I had a customer call with a problem I just
couldn't solve. She could not print yellow. All the other colors would
print fine, which truly baffled me because the only true colors are
cyan, magenta, and yellow. For instance, green is a combination of
cyan and yellow, but green printed fine. Every color of the rainbow
printed fine except for yellow. I had the customer change ink
cartridges. I had the customer delete and reinstall the drivers.
Nothing worked. I asked my coworkers for help; they offered no new
ideas.  After over two hours of troubleshooting, I was about to tell
the customer to send the printer in to us for repair when she asked
quietly,  "Should I try printing on a piece of white paper instead of
this yellow paper?"
PT BIRTHDAYS [email protected]
Howdy all you PT Birthday Guys and Gals!
Let's take a quick look at last week's PT Birthday's for the week
ending June June 18, 1999.
catbowl.... June 14
Cheryl (PT Mom's daughter) June 14 
xxmarryxx ...... June 16 
Screwdriver18.... June 17 
TopCat............... June 17
WickedLove...... June 18
Now, let's take a look at our upcoming Pink Birthday's for the week
ending June 25, 1999.
Goldie......... June 20 
Chickadee....... June 21
Here are the rest of the PT Birthday's for the month of June.
Thatgirl.............. June 27 
bluetulip1...... June 29
WOW... Lots of Bdays in June eh? Must've been a LONG winter! LOL
That's our Birthdays for last week, as well as our upcoming birthdays
for the month of JUNE. I hope everyone is enjoying their Birthday
greetings, and if anyone would be interested in having the Birthday
Horoscopes return to the paper, please let me know!

Until next week's list of Birthday guys and gals...
Much Love and Happiness,

PS. I have a list compiled of all the PT family birthdays. If, for
some reason you hadn't sent in your Bday previously (perhaps you are a
newbie, or just thought: "Hey, I haven't sent my Bday in yet!" then
please send it to [email protected] and I will add it to my
list of Bday Guys and Gals!
The following is a description of the death of my lover. If you are
squeamish, do not read on.

The month of May was hell on earth for both of us. Frenchie was
declining rapidly. Forgive me, this is very difficult to write through
a sea of tears. The last week of his life was characterized by his
grace, strength and courage, as he knew what was about to happen. His
pain and agony were beyond what anyone should endure. He had already
given up on life, and was waiting longingly for death to put him out
of his misery.

On the last day, his sisters and mother were here for dinner. He was
lucid and active as we all ate. The dinner was capped by his giving
some of his paintings to them. He recounted how the previous night he
had dreams that were brilliant and profound, yet he couldn't remember
what they were. He was getting chills (saying he was getting an
infection) and put on a sweater, as the rest of us were shedding the
same from the heat. After the family left, he and I watched
"Absolutely Fabulous" on TV, then he retired at 11.30 pm. It is
through hindsight that I am able to say that it was CMV
(cytomegalovirus) which caused the loss of his eyesight, spreading
within him. CMV destroyed his hearing and entered his brain. He
complained of a constant massive headache, rumbling in his brain and
pain jetting across his scalp. He had lost is ability to walk. The CMV
was the final killer.

I tucked him in as I had always done, and kissed him and said "See ya
tomorrow, ok?" and he went into dreamland. During the following day, I
passed his bedroom and heard moaning. He was in a coma. On arrival at
the hospital on that Sunday afternoon, I requested the doctors to do
nothing, in that he was beyond living. He came out of it three times,
but only for a matter of seconds, otherwise remaining in the coma
until Wednesday morning at 8.10 am when he died. I remained at his
side the entire time, getting spots of sleep in a waiting room. On the
Monday morning, I pleaded with the attending doctor to end it, to O.D.
him, to do anything to prevent the torture. But they merely responded
by saying it was against the law. So, we were put through 85 hours in
which we all suffered. The doctor returned on Tuesday morning to ask
how things were, and I gave the biggest and loudest blast to an
attending physician that the entire floor could hear. My anger with
the medical profession is now profound. A simple injection that Buster
was given the week previous was now denied this noble human being. (We
had to euthanize Buster, another major loss). Although he was comatose
and about to die, it was us, the living, who will forever be
terrorized by the images of what he endured those final 85 hours. One
orderly remarked that she just couldn't look at him because he looked
so terrible and another tried to take his temperature with an anal
thermometer. However, many of the hospital staff were angels in their
support and assistance. They unanimously remarked at his strength and
tenacity, two of his qualities that I was very well aware. Many
friends and family visited in those last remaining hours. Even though
he was unconscious, I spent much time just talking to him, telling him
stories and keeping him company, although I knew he couldn't hear a
word I was saying. I even considered putting a pillow across his face
to give him final peace, but then I would have been charged with
murder. It is a consolation for me to know that he never suffered
after having gone to sleep on Saturday night.

At the moment of his death, his sisters and I were with him. He
breathed in an unusual way and lay back relaxed. His heart had
stopped. After a few moments, the others were kind enough to leave me
alone with my baby. My pain could be heard by everyone. I ran my
fingers through his hair, talking to him, wailing and lamenting. I
gently closed his eyes with a tender touch. The attending doctor
arrived to confirm his death, and said "That won't do any good"
(referring to my grieving). To which I said bluntly, "It'll do good
for me. He was my love", and continued my sorrow.

Alain (frenchie) has become a pillar of strength for me. His courage,
fortitude, intelligence, grace, wisdom and character were qualities
that every man should aspire. He was my hero, my love, my heart, my
soul, and my kindred spirit. He will be missed in ways that I cannot
begin to imagine. Truly a major part of what gave me life, is gone.
And shall always be missed. How many times since have I said what he
said to me when he momentarily came out of his coma state "I love you,

As a background to what he had to endure, here is a list of the drugs
he took on a daily basis. Many of them are experimental. A detailed
description of the drugs is available by emailing me.

Wake up, on an empty stomach,
 4 Greens Plus (natural product, equivalent to eating 6 cups of
organic                vegetables)
 1 Moducare (natural product, plant sterols and sterolins)

15 minutes later, take with 1 tablespoon Essential Balance Oil Blend,
 2 DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) a prohormone.
 1 Pregnenolone (parent steroid compound).

15 minutes later,
 1 Nizoral (against throat mushrooms)

With breakfast,
 6 Fortavase ((saquinavir) protease inhibitor. AIDS drug)
 4 Viracept ((nelfinavir mesylate): works by blocking HIV protease.
AIDS drug)
 1 Viramune ((nevirapine): blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability.
AIDS drug)
 1 Abacavir  ((ziagen) nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase
inhibitors. AIDS drug)
 1 Combivir  (Epivir(3TC) and Retrovir(AZT) in one pill. AIDS drug)
 1 Prozac (10 mg) (anti-depressant)
 1 Septra  (pneumonia prevention)
 1 Multivitamine
 1 Vitamin E (400 ui)
 1 Vitamin C (500 mg)
 1 Beta Carotene (25,000 ui)
 1 B50 Complex

About 2 pm,
 4 Greens Plus (natural product)
 1 Moducare (natural product)

10 minutes later,
 L-Glutamine (either mix with Ensure OR if having food, mix with a
glass of Coke)

15 minutes before dinner,
 4 Greens Plus (natural product)
 1 Moducare (natural product)

With dinner,
 6 Fortavase (AIDS drug)
 4 Viracept (AIDS drug)
 1 Viramune (AIDS drug)
 1 Abacavir (AIDS drug)
 1 Combivir (AIDS drug)
 3 Elavil (anti-depressant)
 1 Nizoral (against throat mushrooms)
 1 Vitamin C (500 mg)

About 2 hours later,
Ensure (if not taken earlier) OR Milk and 90-plus and fruit mixed in

When going to sleep,
2 Melatonin  (5 mg ea.)
injection (subcutaneous) Saizen (Somatropin)(growth hormone)(.7 ml)

During day and night,
Drink plenty of water
Suck on lozenges of Amphotericine-B (against mushrooms)

Twice weekly,
Injection (intramuscular) of B12 (.5 ml)

Each two weeks,
Injection (intramuscular) Deca-durabolin (steroid/muscle builder)(1

Recent treatments for mushrooms in the throat, Amphotericine-B

He was cremated. Arrangements for a service were left in my hands, as
wanted every detail to be correct. And I worked very hard to make it
A VCR and monitor were set up to show a recent tape of him playing
with the cats and playing the piano. Numerous of his paintings were
hung in the hall. Books that he enjoyed were scattered around the
floor. And a single white rose was placed beside the Urn containing
his ashes. A black ribbon was wound around the urn. The funeral parlor
was starting to look like our living room with so many familiar
objects in it. Over 100 family and friends showed up to grieve. A
religious service was conducted, during which the music was Alain's
piano playing. To see photos of any of these, or to listen to his
music, please email me.

Tuesday next will be another service in St. Jovite when his urn will
be interred in the family plot.

A temporary memorial page in his honor is located at

The download is real audio, which you must have in order to hear it.
The music is "Moon River" which was our song. I will be doing a
website in his name sometime in the future.

Thanks, to everyone who has expressed condolences.
Ganymede03 (Steve)
[email protected]

Ali's notes: Gany, I'm quite sure I speak for most all of our PT
family in sending our love and condolences in your loss.
"A Screen name becomes the Alter ego for some of us!"
If you'd like to share how you chose your screen name, please feel
free to send in to: [email protected]
There were no screen names sent in this week.
Just a little note to let you all know and remind you That Misty and
Isa have a site that is regularly updated with all the pics from the
shows each month. Please feel free to browse the pages of the gallery
and let us know what you think!

You can find it at:

That's all for now, till next we chat
Isa!! *kiss* *hug*
Just a quick advertisement... The DEADLINE for all submissions to the
PT News is 6:00 p.m. EST. Please try and have all articles and
submissions in by the deadline, so that they will make it into the
paper for the week you sent in!
Just a quick note to all our readers... we are currently looking for
additions to our writing staff for the PT News. If you feel you would
like to contribute in any way, please let us know at
[email protected] and we will gladly talk with you about your
ideas! This paper is a result of the people within the room taking an
interest in keeping this paper alive for as long as it has. We are
always open to new ideas, improvements and suggestions! Any and all
ideas will be taken into consideration to help make this a most
enjoyable and informational reading material possible for our readers!
On Wednesday, June 9, 1999 our very own Fairymoon98 became the bride
of Baby Dyke in a private ceremony. They plan on a repeat ceremony for
friends and family next year on June 21. Fairy says that married life
is just wonderful, and she absolutely loves it! CONGRATS gals! Hope
your life together is very happy and long-lived!
Everyone enjoys discovering more about the people we see in the room
on a daily basis. If you have not sent in your BIO.we'd love to hear
from you, and for those of you who are new to PTN, a BIO is merely a
little about yourselves to introduce you to our PT family. We all chat
and get to know one another in PT, but trying to keep up with chat and
IM's, along with ICQ (uh oh's) can be a challenge at times. Your BIO
doesn't have to be anything lengthy, just anything you'd like to share
with the rest of our family, so as to get to know you better!

There were No BIOS sent in this week!
Hello fellow pinkies,

Well it took me a couple of weeks but I am finally writing about my
experience at the reunion. I wanted to do it sooner but in light of
goose and ganders misgivings I did not want to jinx them even more.
As some of you know goose is my sole brother not only in VP but in my
life, He has filled a special place in my heart and him and gander are
very much in my memories for this pt reunion. Love you guys.
Well I cannot tell you how much fun it was to meet the family that
could make it. Pt Mom, Phippster their family and I arrived at the
reunion on the sat. At the time I have the very special pleasure of
meeting my VP hubby West. Neither of us can remember how we got
married but well it was fun.
He took me out for lunch -- translating he walked me over to the BBQ
and said help yourself. Then on Sunday I cooked for him -- translating
I was buttering the toast. What a good couple we made. I could feel
the love... me my hubby west and his new bf drade. LOL
Meeting Jenna was probably one of the nicest events for me. I always
wanted to meet my nurse and finally I have. I have good tastes in
nurses. Jenna is so tiny!! Next to me we looked like davey and
goliath. Smile as always it was wonderful to see Freddie and Ali
again. After about a year of torment I finally got to see my boobie
picture. I had to bribe Ali to get them. Oh I am sure you boys have a
copy, I have the original now. It is almost becoming a ritual me
flashing for the camera. This time it was a camcorder. See Ali what I
would not do for you. This time I added a special feature just for
you. I big ole bright moon. LOL Meeting PLR was another special moment
for me. Hey girls don't let her fool you she is cute. She is also a
very talented male impersonator. Thanks to Daniel Ford I could become
bi. Well, almost. Goddess Addarah was a sweetie and Lord Slayer makes
a pretty mean cake.
The show was absolutely wonderful. Lady Erika captured my heart. The
almost infamous Goosarella was simply ravishing, not to mention Lola.
I think it added a special touch from all the ones who wrote in and
phoned too. Daniel Ford was fabulous. I really enjoyed PLR's act. One
of the special things I enjoyed as I watched the show was how we all
felt like family. Boo and Beth's kids, and pt moms kids added
something special to not only the show, but the weekend. I had heard a
rumor that someone said kids are not allowed. Well looking around on
the weekend I was thinking yes the family of the Pink triangle was
complete. Yes gay people are parents too. Watching these kids I felt
the pride of knowing especially with my own cousin Pt mom and her
family how well adjusted these kids seemed. It fills my heart knowing
how my family supports me as a person and as part of their family. I
think it is wonderful how thanks to PT Mom and Phippster and family
and Beth and Boo and family there are at least 7 more kids who are
learning to love people in spite of our differences and not hatred and
sexism. So I feel the kids added to the party and the family. Next
year I look forward to meeting West's family.
On Sunday it was a hot day. We had our wet white t-shirt contest. That
was a blast. Unfortunately because of controversy I won't go into it
too much but to say Boo69 and I had a special surprise for our boob
man Ali. I was just good old fun. Boo69 won the contest. I still say
it was rigged. RE was the judge. We all had a blast. Ali and I had a
little battle with the hose. Man that water was cold, colder than the
It was also great to reunite with such wonderful friends I have met in
the past.
Boo and Beth it was great to see you.
Worry it was nice to see you again as well. It was fun having lunch
with you,
Boo and Re. Re did a wonderful job with both weddings.
Well by now I am sure Freddie and Ali, Goose and Gander are wondering
if I forgot about something special. No I have not but I was saving
the best for last. The most special memories of this reunion was the
fortunate chance to see four really sweet men and dear friends get
married. Freddie and Ali, you know I love you and I felt honored and
happy to see you both so happy. It was a thrill to see you both again.
I want to thank you both for such a wonderful job you did at the
Now the question what did this particular reunion mean to me. A little
over a year ago I had the pleasure to meet my brother goose. He has
become my brother not only in VP, but in my life... filling very big
shoes. I had to pleasure to host a dinner and to do an article on the
arrival of my brothers love gander. As you can guess Gander has also
found a place in my heart as any brother -in-law would. The Geeseboys,
pt mom and family and myself have some wonderful memories together as
a family. Good times that I will cherish forever. As I sat there
watching them being united my heart was filled with tears. Both tears
of joy and of sorrow. I have only cried at two weddings in my life, my
real brother and now my sole brothers. These tears were not selfish
tears but tears of mixed emotions. Watching my boys getting married
being surrounded by not only my PT family but also my real family with
pt mom and Phippster taking the film.
This wedding for me meant the end of one way of life between our
family and new beginnings and horizons. Goose and gander will always
be in my heart and part of my family. I smiled with pride watching
them unite... something PT mom and I waited and hoped for since the
moment we let goose into our hearts. From the moment of gooses blue
underwear with Phippster, to the announcement of you may kiss you
life's partner. I was joyed at their happiness. Yet there was a part
of me that felt like part of my family was moving away. It was exactly
how I felt 20 years ago when my real brother married and it was how I
felt when the geeseboys married. I never quite felt the bond that has
grown between goose and myself till that moment. I love the boys and
would not have missed there union for the world.
I have waited to write this article because of the difficulties the
boys have had going home.  Look out Florida here I come. LOL I did not
want to jinx them anymore than they have had. I believe in fate. I due
to a misunderstanding did not get a chance to say goodbye to my
brothers. So I think the angels gave me a second chance. I thought pt
mom did not have enough room in the van for me to go so I stayed back.
Well that is me the optimist I see the boys temporary misfortune as my
fortune. I got to go to Chicago to see gander and I drove. Chicken
driver me LOL.
The best part is I got to share one more fun time with goose. Goose,
myself, PT mom and Andrew all got to go to the circus. It was gooses
first one. He was a bigger kid than Andrew! He tried to get me to take
a pic with the gator but no way. Goose was so excited he had us there
an hour and a half early. Smile. All I can say is thank you whoever
for giving me that special memory with such a wonderful man. Now I
want to say good luck boys. I love you both and I am sure you will be
happy. Who wouldn't be happy living near that cutie Lady Erica?
It is feelings like I just babbled about, that is what this reunion
meant to me.

I love you family
Dear Pinkies,
I just wanted to write about the best weekend that I have had in the
last two years. It was a weekend to remember that is for sure!!!
My weekend started like everyone else's, on Friday *duh* hehe but
anyway, I got to the small airport here on the coast to fly to
Portland and I have a 6:50 a.m flight and well. We took off, ended up
turning around and landing as they had problems with the plane. I
thought Great... I will miss my flight to Detroit at this rate, Well
guess what? I did miss my connecting flight. I was so mad, I could
have bitched slapped a few people.... But anyway after waiting 4 hours
for another flight, it was late taking off, which put me in Detroit
later than I already was. Boy you don't think this stocky little
feller wasn't pissed. I slept all the way there, and was greeted by
two very nice people whom seem to know me like they had known me for
over 20 years. Freddie and Lord slayer were there to great me...
Kisses and hugs went all around, then off we were, I noticed as I was
getting off the plane, a pink triangle sign that said: "almost there,
only 3 more HOURS" I thought I would die. But Freddie and Lord
Slayer and I had a nice trip up to Port Hope. 

As we pulled into the driveway of the cottage, I noticed everyone
coming out to greet us; it was a nice feeling, knowing I was finally
going to meet all these people I have known as my family for the past
year or so. Well in the crowd came this very handsome guy named "
Drade" OMG I thought he is better than his pic. Anyway, I couldn't
take my eyes off him as some of you well know. He had won my heart
right then and there... We get into the house and I finally get to
meet the rest of the family, and there they were, my two buddies...
Goose and Gander, my confidants... my joys when I am down, my
wonderful friends that I had waited to meet in person. They were just
as I thought they would be. Re, omg you stole my heart hon, if I ever
went str8 and you were str8, OMG you and I. Babies city... heheh you
are a doll and I want to thank you for the best conversation I have
had in a very long time. You are truly a women who knows what she
wants and I hope you find it very soon darlin. I love you, Ashlee, my
wife... What can I say love, you finally got to meet and kiss your
husband. heheh I loved visiting with you  and laughing... You're a
sweetheart for sure. Boo69 and Beth, OMG I had the best time with
ya'll. We laughed so hard and thanks for asking me to sleep with you
in the tent the last night. I think one of you got me pregnant or I
have gained more weight... LOL HOH. hehehe
And to all the rest of my family, MOM, Ali,Timex, Worry, Kids, JJ, OMG
little JJ, you are one fine true Lady , and I do mean true Lady.. I am
so happy I met and got to talk in depth with you... Thank you
Darlin!!!! *smile* and the rest of you, I want to tell you I think of
you all often, like daily now, worse than before, as now I can hear
you speak to me and it isn't just fonts on paper anymore, I want
people to know, before you say something in the rooms, there are real
people with real feelings and emotions behind those fonts.. I learned
that for sure. Great people too with big hearts, like Freddie and Ali
for starters. You two are fab... I love you both. 
And to end this long reunion story, Drade, you stole my heart that
weekend, and you had me at hello for sure. I loved a lot about you
before I met you in person, and WOW, I never knew I could feel this
way again after the life I have had to deal with in the last year... I
fell in love again, and I want to thank you for that Drade, You are a
fine man, and I am proud to have asked you to wear my ring and be with
me here in Oregon... Thanks for accepting... You have made me very
happy... I can't wait to see you, I miss you more than you will
What a lot you may or may not know, I signed onto VP over a year ago,
to find like most of you, friends, have fun, and for me at least to
find love again.. I had a partner for 9+ years and one day came home
and said it was over, he was leaving... Well that destroyed me inside
totally. I never wanted to or thought I would find true love again.
Well I have, and I found it when I met Drade online about 3 months
ago. He is a very nice man and I Love him with all I have left in
me... I promise to make you very happy Drade!!!!! 
I loved the B&B we stayed at and want to again one day... I loved
shopping with you and talking with you, and most of all. I loved
holding you in my arms, you make me feel safe and loved. I hope I make
you feel the same way. 
So I guess this is it everyone, I wanted you all to know, it was worth
everything I did to get there and it was even better as not only did
we have two wonderful weddings there, there was also a romance in the
works... If it can happened to me, it can happen to anyone... Thank
you to all my family that said it would happen to me too and for
believing in me... I love you all very much!!!!! Now if I can stop
crying long enough to sign off. heheeh 

See you all in the room... 
Your Friend Always,
ED aka West
Dear Ali and Freddie:
WOW!! Where do I begin?  Well my kids and I were so excited about
leaving and getting to Port Hope that even I was up and ready to be
out the door at
7am which is something for me... LOL Well we left and made the drive
to Port Hope and we arrived at 11 am and most of the others were still
sleeping but not for long with my little one there, hahaha... I made
some introductions and met West, Drade, Worry, Lord Slayer, Jenna
Jenna, RE, Timex Boo, Goddess Addarah, (hope that I spelt that right
hon, sorry if I haven't). There was boo and beth and their kids. It
was like going to a family reunion, one that happens every year. At
times I have to admit that I was shy and did not really go up and say
something, but by the end of the weekend there was no shyness and I am
proud and honored to have had the opportunity to meet each and every
one of you.  My hubby was a little shy as he said that they do not
know me as he is on the road quite a bit and kinda felt out of
place... again by the end of the weekend he was just like one of us. 
We would like to take this time to thank Ali and Freddie very much for
their generosity and hospitality for the wonderful weekend. The meals
were tremendous and delicious. I am so thrilled and honored that you
had asked me to give you away and that you asked Andrew to be your
ring bearer even though he was swinging the pillow around, thank
goodness the rings where tied on... LOL Andrew came home and thought
that he was King S**t... as he was spoiled rotten all weekend long.
The weddings were wonderful and something that I am proud to have been
apart of... Congratulations go out to you Ali and Freddie and to Bill
and David. And I am so happy that the two of you are together again.
Even though I miss you both terrible already... and August seems so
far away before we get to see you all again. Re did a fantastic job on
officiating she was just perfect. The drag show was something else...
I have never seen a drag show before and did we have a blast...the
laughs the feeling of being one. With the kids being a part of the
show made it really special with having new friends all intertwined.
To be honest, I did not want the weekend to end I did not want to ago
home as I knew that it will be another year before we all get together
again... but we do have the computer to chat with each other. 
I am sorry that Dee32's car broke down and did not make it, but
someday I will get the chance to meet her again and her family. Ali
you make one hell of a great looking woman... and that outfit that
Misty made was something else! Misty you have a very special talent
hon and it showed in the outfit. Youel, the decorations were fabulous
and I wish that I had your talent. Tenor I am sorry that I did not get
to hear your tape but I have heard you sing and man oh man have you
got a great voice and I could listen to you sing all day long. Mamma
Tat you are a very special person and hopefully one day I will be able
to meet you and tell you that. My eldest stepson was with us and he
had a terrific time and I was thrilled that he would go and meet the
people with whom I chat with online. Goose you did a fabulous job for
your first time! Maybe you should look into doing comedy drag hon...
You would be wonderful at it... Know that I love you. 
My hubby tries to get online when he is at home so that the people in
the chatroom can get to know him a little better and he goes under the
nick of phippster... just in case any of you are wondering...LOL
West you are just a great big cuddly bear and I am so grateful that
you found happiness with Drade and hahaha I was the first to know
(LOL) thanks West and the answer is YES whenever the time and date is
hon, You know what I am talking about. 
I have to say this about the Wet T-shirt contest... it was done for
fun and nothing else... the kids had a blast and because there were
minors there, the wet T-shirt will not be on the tape for that
purpose... As I have not got the permission from those that
participated... It was something that you had to be there for I hope
that you all understand where I am coming from. 

Well ladies and gents I have probably bored you to tears so I will
close and a great big THANK-YOU to Ali and Freddie for a fabulous and
memorable weekend.

Love to all
Hugs and Kisses,Take care
Love always,
PT-mom aka Cathy
THE JOKE SHACK - A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Golf anyone?
(Submitted by Maxam)

A man staggers into an emergency room with two black eyes and a five
iron wrapped tightly around his throat.  Naturally the doctor asks him
what happened.
"Well, it was like this," said the man.  "I was having a quiet round
of golf with my wife when she sliced her ball into a pasture of cows.
We went to look for it and while I was rooting around I noticed one of
the cows had something white at its rear end.  I walked over and
lifted up the tail and sure enough, there was my wife's golf ball....
stuck right in the middle of the cow's butt. That's when I made my
"What did you do?", asks the doctor.
"Well, I lifted the tail and yelled to my wife, 'Hey, this looks like
June is GAY PRIDE month here in the states! If you would like to let
the rest of us know about the events that are planned in your area,
please feel free to send it in for us to publish throughout the month,
as well as the following months for the rest of our readers outside
the states!
Send to [email protected]

We are looking forward to hearing from you all!
(Ali & Freddie)

Tampa Florida will hold it's Pride Day on Sunday June 25 with a street
closure in the Latin Quarter known as Ybor City (pronounced eee-bor).
A Festival market place will be featured along with continous
The day concludes with a candlelight march.

Tom Ervin
International Association of Lesbian/Gay Pride Coordinators, Inc.
PT Classifieds are meant to not only be humorous, but also used as a
means of placing advertisements for things you might be looking for,
possibly used for personals, as well as letting missing people know
they are missed! If you would like to place an ad, please send it to:
[email protected] and we will gladly print it for you!
Just a quick note to all our readers... we are currently looking for
additions to our writing staff for the PT News. If you feel you would
like to contribute in any way, please let us know at
[email protected] and we will gladly talk with you about your
ideas! This paper is a result of the people within the room taking an
interest in keeping this paper alive for as long as it has. We are
always open to new ideas, improvements and suggestions! Any and all
ideas will be taken into consideration to help make this a most
enjoyable and informational reading material possible for our readers!

Thank you for taking an interest in the PT News and helping it stay in
distribution for 60 issues!
POETRY CORNER [email protected]
When things are down and you need to release, a poem is a perfect way
to feel because it can't talk back or try to give solutions to your
problem. (Krymsyn)
"Ode To A Gay Floridian"
(My tribute to a great guy, FreddieB)

The first time I met you, 
We were in PT chat
You said you were from Florida.
The "in" spot... Where it's at.
You sent me your picture,
I thought you were Latino or hindu
You said you weren't either, 
OOPS!!! I made a faux "poo"
You shared your silly stories with me when I was feeling glum.
You have since become a wonderful friend, my buddy, my confidant, my
So here's to you "Bunkbed Fred",
For all the things you have done.
You are forever in my heart, dear friend,
And always my number one!

Love your very own personal bitch...
Hearts bound together,
By love's silver chain,
Through life's roughest weather,
Will faithful remain.

"Moshe and Golda"
(Submitted by Ali)
The Miracle 
(Author unknown - Submitted by Ali)

Once again a miracle maybe the last one... 
You brought it with you and you let me reflect it into your eyes and
make you aware of it. 
Once again I was filled with the wonders of your beauty and now there
is nothing else but my love for you. 
Our love will never be complete since I will not ever share my
troubles with you. 
I will carry all the ones you have though trivial as well a serious
and I will share with you all the wonders in life that I know of. 
My happiness is nothing but all your happiness. 
Your sorrow is my pain. 
But when our lips meet there is nothing else but our love. 
That is the miracle my boy.
"Tat's Tidbit's"
A weekly Entertainment Column

Here we are folks!!! Another installment of "Tat's Tidbit's". As of
yet I haven't received any feedback, but I don't give a rat's ass. I'm
gonna do this anyway. Besides... I can't resist Freddie's and Laddy's
Those boys are sooooo sweet.
Last weeks installment was less than perfect if I do say so myself. I
did the charts in tab form. Obviously e-mail proggies don't cotten to
tabs all that much, and the installment ended up being a hella big
I am going to try and work out the bugs and make the column much
easier to read and understand. Bear with me please, I haven't done
this kind of thing in a while. But I promise... it will get better
with each issue.. *S*
(REMEMBER PEOPLE: I need feedback from you to make the "Blowhard"
portion of the paper work... *hint hint*. E-mail me at
[email protected])

Celebrity News
Let's Go To The Movies (weekly box office grosses)
Billboard's Top 10 Singles
Billboard's Top 10 Albums
Read A Book, Expand Your Mind ('s Top 10 List)
"OH PUH-LEEEEEEZE" of the week
Tat's Weekly Tummy Tickler
Weekly Blowhard
Celebrity News: "I think I have been "Afflecked"

Over the past 15 months, BEN AFFLECK has headlined the box office
blockbuster "ARMAGEDDON" and dated his "SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE" co-star,
GWYNETH PALTROW, and won an OSCAR(TM) for co-writing his first
screenplay,"GOOD WILL HUNTING"with childhood chum, MATT DAMON. So how
was your year?

Yes, BEN AFFLECK'S career is on a roll... or maybe a steamroll is more
like it. Currently, he's scoring a big-screen double whammy by
appearing in two hot feature films: "200 CIGARETTES" with a cast list
that reads like a who's who of young Hollywood (CHRISTINA RICCI,
"FORCES OF NATURE", a romantic comedy with SANDRA BULLOCK, which
allows him to show off his softer side.

But that's not all BEN shows off. Movie fans brace yourselves!!!
"FORCES OF NATURE" features a must-see dance scene in which AFFLECK
shakes his bare derriere !!! *slobber* Now isn't that worth the price
of admission? And on top of that, he gets paid to make out with
America's movie sweetheart !!! It's a tough job, but someone has to do
"Let's Go To The Movies"
(Weekly Box Office Grosses in millions)

1:) Star wars: Episode 1 / TW - 32.8 / LW - 66.9 / Gross - 255.7
2:) Notting Hill / TW - 15.0 / LW - 27.8 / Gross - 49.4
3:) Instinct / TW - 10.4 / LW - new / Gross - 10.4
4:) The Mummy / TW - 7.4 / LW - 12.7 / Gross - 127.5
5:) Entrapment / TW - 3.7/ LW - 7.2 / Gross - 74.9
6:) The Matrix / TW - 2.4/ LW- 3.8 / Gross - 158.3
7:) The Thirteenth Floor / TW - 2.0/ LW- 4.2 / Gross - 7.4
8:) Never Been Kissed / TW - 1.1/ LW - 2.0 / Gross - 50.6
9:) A Midsummer Night's Dream / TW - 1.0/ LW - 1.5 / Gross - 13.0
10:) Election / TW - .8/ LW - 1.4 / Gross - 12.3
"Billboard's Top 10 Singles"

#1 - " If You Had My Love" / Last week - 1 / weeks on charts - 6
Jennifer Lopez
#2 - " Livin' La Vida Loca" / Last week - 2 / weeks on charts - 10

Ricky Martin
#3 - " No Scrubs" / Last week - 3 / weeks on charts - 18
#4 - " Fortunate" / Last week - 4 / weeks on charts - 11
#5 - " Where My Girl's at?" / Last week - 6 / weeks on charts - 8
#6 - "Kiss me " / Last week - 5 / weeks on charts - 20
Sixpence None The Richer
#7 - " That Don't Impress me" / Last week - 8 / weeks on charts - 20
Shania Twain
#8 - " 808 " / Last week - 10 / weeks on charts - 10
#9 - "Who Dat?" / Last week - 7 / weeks on charts - 9
Jt Money featuring Sole
#10 - " Chante's Got a Man " / Last week - 11 / weeks on charts - 6
Chante Moore
"Billboard's Top 10 Albums"

#1  - Millenium  / Last week - 1 / weeks on charts -2 
Backstreet Boys
#2  - Ricky martin / Last week - 2 / weeks on charts - 3
Ricky Martin
#3  -Baby One More Time / Last week - 3 / weeks on charts - 20
Britney Spears
#4- The Amazing Jeckel Brothers / Last week - new / weeks on charts -
Insane Clown Posse
#5 - Fanmail / Last week - 4 / weeks on charts - 14
#6 - Come On Over / Last week - 6 / weeks on charts - 82
Shania Twain
#7 - Star Wars: Episode 1 / Last week - 5 / weeks on charts - 4
sndtrk / unknown
#8 - The Art Of Storytelling / last week - new / weeks on charts - 1
Slick Rick
#9 - Devil Without A Cause / Last week - 13 / weeks on charts - 22
Kid Rock
#10 - Ride Or Die / Last week - 9 / weeks on charts - 5
Ruff Ryders/various artists
"Read A Book, Expand Your Mind"
('s top 10 weekly sales)

#1 - "hannibal" by Thomas Harris
#2 - "Live Now Age Later: Proven Ways To Turn Back The Clock" by
Isadore Rosenfeld
#3 - "Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets" By JK Rowlings and Mary
#4 - "Body For Life: 12 Weeks To Mental And Physical Fitness Forever"
by Bill Phillips
#5 - "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch
#6 - "Red Dragon" by Thomas Harris
#7 - "Falcon At The Portal: An Amelia Peabody Mystery" By Elizabeth
#8 - "The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw
#9  - "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone" By JK Rowlings and Mary
#10- "Memoirs of Geisha" by Arthur S. Golden
(weekly "razzberry" column)

This week's " OH PUH-LEEEEEEEEZE" award goes to Britney Spears. Is it
just me or did her boobs grow 2 cup sizes in the past three months? 
Her dear, sweet mother said that she is hurt by the accusations that
her 17-year-old daughter would mutilate her body for "image purposes".
Can I get an "OH PUH-LEEEEEEEEZE" people? Tits don't grow that fast in
the Louisiana sunshine. Either she got stuffed like a Thanksgiving
turkey at the friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon for a whopping
$3000.00, or she went to her local "Vicky's Secret" and shelled out a
mere $100.00 for some "Curves" (you know... those gel boobs that come
in caucasian or African American shades). Either way she needs to keep
her tits away from sharp objects or run the "curves" under the hot
water tap for a spell so she doesn't get chilled nips... *BRRRRRRRR*)
 I know mother nature can play mean tricks on people and make you grow
5 inches everywhere in a short period of time, but this all seems just
a little too fishy for me.

Points to ponder: After the implants rot and harden inside her, could
we take them out, decopauge them and use them as matching paper

In the intense, humid Louisiana heat, will the "curves" melt like a
snowcone in the hot Juuu - ly air, or will they just get real sticky
and soft?
"Tat's Weekly Tummy Tickler"
(Sometimes sweet, sometimes gross, sometimes crude, but it will always
make you laugh)

A blind man interviews for a job as a quality controller at a local
sawmill. The manager calls the blind man into the office and asks him
how he expects to do this job since he was blind.
The Blind man replied he would do it by smell. The manager decides to
test him and places a piece of wood in front of him.
The Manager asks," What is it without touching it?" The blind man
replies," That's a good piece of fir."
"Correct,' said the manager, "Now try this one." "That is a good piece
of willow," says the blind man. "Correct," answers the manager.
With that, the manager decides to play a trick on the blind man. He
gets his secretary to lift up her dress and put her crotch in the
blind man's face.
"I'm confused," said the blind man," Can you turn it around?" The
secretary turns around and sticks her ass in the blindman's face.
The blind man says,' OH!!! You're trying to fool me!!!! But I know
exactly what kind of wood that is. It's the shit house door off a tuna
boat !!!"

(Tat's Tip: I NEVER said they were classy jokes... ROFLMAO)
"The Weekly Blowhard"
(The weekly "piss and moan about whatever and whoever you want"

*HINT HINT HINT*... I know all you people, and I know you all have
something to piss and moan about. Do I need to pull up old chat and
ICQ dialogue... LOL *kidding*... Get those fingers typing and send
your whines, gripes, woes, and general annoyances to
[email protected] : Remember.. I need them by 6:00 PM ESTon
thursday so I can get this column to the boys on time. Thanks.

BEANIE !!!!!!!
TA DA !!!!!!  (This should be interesting. She has TONS to bitch
about... LOL. *ducking her slaps*)

"Ya wanna know what really pisses me off? Going to the pub for a nice
cold beer after a game, just getting relaxed, when the town drunks
decide to choose the table next to yours, and start singing old folk
songs at the top of their lungs.
Next... They pick a fight with an old friend who makes a joke,
thinking shithead #1 will see it for what it is. Then shithead  #1 has
to tell you what a fucking jerk this friend was and that he could kick
his ass anyday (meanwhile shithead #1 can hardly stand on his own two
feet) Shithead #1 then proceeds to get insanely jealous because this
blonde bimbo (who doesn't even know shithead's name) begins talking to
You wind up leaving quickly, knowing if you hang around, shithead #1
will try to fight with you too.
This was what I call an "instant asshole... just add alcohol!!!!"

Corinner Beaner

See!!! I did say she would find something to bitch about. I know my
cousin... LOL!!! It sounds like she had a nice time at the bar last
night... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

As you have noticed, I have added one extra insert to the column, and
I reformatted the charts. I hope you like the changes and enjoy this
week's installment of "Tat's Tidbit's".

Until next week kiddies...
Your Mamma
Here are the questions that were asked last week, and the responses we
Hello gang, it's been awhile since I wrote, & sent in a poem.  My mind
has been wandering away in the past few weeks. I'm glad everyone had
fun at the reunion, and hopefully next year, if were all still are
here together.
And now for me answers to the PT Questions.
1) Being president? What is the first thing I would change? Humm...
Well for instance, I would most likely stop our American Soldiers from
going to war in countries that have no respect for us in the first
place. I would not subject them to war, especially if we have no
business being there.
 2) What do I like best & least about my life? I like best that I have
the greatest family and the most wonderful boyfriend and the best
doggies in the world, and I like least that I'm not rich and cant
afford the things I really deserve. (Like the new 1999 Porsche.) 
3) How old was I in my first experience in life with sex? I just
turned 15 and it was with this buddy of mines older brother, he must
of been, 26 at the time.
 4) A public execution, would I watch? YES, I would, I'm into gory
stuff like that, I would even enjoy it if it was the guy's who killed
M. Shepherd, and others who were much innocent.
 5) Someone I loved. Oh if someone I loved was brutally murdered and I
knew who it was, and he got off, would I seek revenge? OH yeah you
know it, I would sharp shoot the M.F and then I would, make him live
in pain the rest of his life by chopping off his legs, and shooting
out one of his eyes, I would then, handcuff him, to the railroad
station, and wait for the number six train to come and run him over
into a thousand pieces, where even the dentist wont reckon him, due to
the fact that he is now just dried blood on a track!! Think I'm too
 6) No way I would not want to know the precise date of my death, I
would probably kill myself with anticipation waiting for it.
 7) Were you able to wake in someone else's body, would you? and who? 
I would say yes, I would, I would pick Pam Anderson, and I would love
it, I would Be rich and Beautiful.
 8) My house on fire, everyone is out, but something is in there, I
need it, I can't live with out it, What is it? My jewelry box. There
are so many memories, so I would go in after it, there are maybe
important pieces in there that can't be replaced.

#1. No. Why would anyone ever want to be the Pres. of the States? It
is one fucked up country.  Now being PM of a normal place like
#2. Like best? hmnmmm...don't know yet have to wait and see what
happens.  Like worst?  All the assholes I meet on a regular bases,
could certainly do without them.
#3. Now every sexual encounter I have ever had is running through my in grade 8, with tracey.  (Do girls REALLY count???)
Must have been like 11.
#4. Would definitely watch a public execution.  Love that stuff.  I
miss the operation shows on cable.  Favorite was the breast
reduction... too cool.
#5. Yes.
#6. Yes.
#7. No. I like my body... love it. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
#8. Already happened at the end of March...The only thing I thought of
at all was my animals. They mean everything to me. First went after
the stupid ones (cause they wouldn't know what to do)... then went
after the smart ones.

Justin Anthony
Well I know I didn't beat Viking this week. *Sigh*... my mouse died on
me making it impossible to get my paper until tuesday. Freakin'
technology. Anyhow... here's yet another look into the mind and soul
of me... TAT. Hope my answers don't scare you. LOL !!!

Answer 1: Yes I would like to be the president of the United States.
Even though I am Canadian I am very patriotic towards the U.S.A.
Having lived there for 6 years, I discovered what a sometimes complex,
diverse country it is. And I think being president would allow me to
get up close and personal (pardon the use of that phrase) with the
large melting pot of different communities within the borders of such
a great country. And if I was prez... the first thing I would change
would be the "Oval Office"... I would make it circular... LOL !!!
(Seriously I would put the country's money where it belongs... with
the people of the U.S.)
Answer 2 : The thing I like best about my life is my big extended
(real life not Internet.. LOL) family. Without the many people who
have supported me through all my highs and lows... I don't know how I
would have made it. (There is a few people in my chat family that
helped too.. *S*) The thing I like the least (this will sound
contradictory to my first part of the answer) is my poor relationship
with my father. But thanks to my mother's new husband I now know what
it is like to have a loving, caring father figure.
Answer 3: I was 13 when I had my first sexual experience and it was
none too pleasant. I wrote about it under the title of "The unknown
submitter" in either issue 10, 11, or 12 of the PT News. I can't
remember which. Needless to say... my first time was horrible.
Answer 4: I most certainly would not. I think there is enough garbage
on television these days that falls under the heading of "reality TV",
without putting something as crass and vulgar as that on. You never
know who could be tuning in. I am all for capital punishment, but I
don't think it is proper to put something like that on the idiot box
just for the sake of ratings.
Answer 5: I would seek revenge the legal way. No crime is ever
perfect. There is always evidence yet to be discovered. And statistics
have proven that the majority of criminals brag about what they have
done. I would be on the SOB like snot to a blanket, and hopefully I
would get enough new goods to be able to get the cops to re-open the
case and try the murderer again, and hopefully the second time justice
would be served. (Not that I wouldn't entertain the thought of just
knocking the f**ker off)
Answer 6: GOD NO !!!!!!!!!!! The idea of dying terrifies me. I don't
wanna know when, how, where, or why I croaked. Sheesh !!!!! That was
morbid. *getting the willies here*
Answer 7: If it was temporary... Yes I would like to wake up one
morning and be someone else for a while. Who is a good question? I
think I would like to be Rosa Parks. She stood up for what she
believed in, didn't bend in the midst of social injustice, and she was
a pioneer for the rights of African Americans. I think she is a strong
woman who deserves much applause and admiration for not giving that
***hole her seat and not moving to the back of the bus. I would love
to have the courage and strength of such a wonderful role model such
as her.
Answer 8: One item... OY !!! I have my kids all safe and sound along
with the hubby, so photographs seem trivial when I still have the real
thing, so I would have to say my "Fetish Box". (and no there is
nothing kinky in it... LOL). I keep all my letters, cards from friends
and jewelry in it. I think I would feel like dying if I lost what was
in that box. I hold all it's contents close to my heart. Especially
the overseas letters and gifts. *S*

There ya have it. Another look into my warped mind... LOL.
1. If I was president the first thing I would do is a simple thing
really, give everyone equality in all aspects. Same sex relationships,
same wages, no adult junior, same laws in every state, same education
in all states, etc. Of course this may mean disbanding the cabinet and
the entire state govt. population but hey, we could always use less
2. What I like best is being able to perform drag and having my
friends be able to see me do it. The part I like least is not being
able to do it all the time (work and money both tend to interfere.)
3. I cannot tell a lie, I was 19 before I had my first sexual
experience, it was with a woman. I was 21 before I had my first man.
4. No I don't think I would watch a public execution, even if the
bastard deserved it.
5. Vengeance is a terrible waste of energy far better to accumulate
more evidence and appeal the decision.
6. No I don't need to know when I die, I know it is in the future and
that is enough. I already get what I can from life I think knowing the
details of my death would change my present more so than my future.
7. When you say in the body of someone else, I think I will assume you
don't mean sexually . And oh boy are there lots of bodies I
would like to wake up in, mostly unknowns I don't need to be a
superstar or anything I just think I could do some great drag in other
peoples bodies hehehehe.
8. I have lots of things I would prefer not to have destroyed but
nothing I would risk my life over, things I would prefer to keep
include my CD's, my drag clothes, my photos, my comic collection, my
books. In that order BTW.

That's all? Damn I'm out of the questions.
LOLAL (Lots Of Luck And Love)
tenordan's answers:

traffic laws- specifically those pertaining to right-of-way. Basically
the new law would be GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!
sweetie, my friends, and my music are all what I like best. Not living
with my sweetie is what I like least.
20 the first time I actually had sex with a person other than me. I
enjoyed myself for about 8 or 9 years before that, plus a couple of
exhibitionist and feeling-up encounters with a cousin.
Absolutely not! Execution is wrong. If killing is wrong, it's wrong-
even if the government does it.
WOULD YOU SEEK REVENGE? Revenge is an understandable but harmful urge.
You reap what you sow in this life, and I would hope I was enough of a
better person than the murderer to at least try to forgive.
Hmmmm.... maybe Ben Affleck or Ricky Martin, just because it would
really excite my sweetie!

Thanks- fun as always!
Q&A PT 60
Congratulations first for another round number. I love this journal.
Here are my answers:
1. I am not American. So I will answer with two versions. Version a) I
President of the US. I would condemn all my secretaries to a life term
- in particular my foreign secretary and would step down. More
interesting would be if I became president of France. I would like to
be in that position for 24 h. and I would sign into law the PACS (our
law giving gay / lesbians /Tg's the same civil rights). A very good
law - we shall demonstrate for it on pride day. I am looking forward
to pride day so much. It is lovely in paris J.
2. Best the love - there i am active. Worst the hate - there I am
passive. I am being hated. I do not hate anybody. Btw - same thing in
3. I assume that forced and 'self-inflicted acts are excluded. Then
14. Otherwise - I do not want to talk about it. Some people now.
4. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you still do that?
5. That is the tough one of the week. No - I would not. But
fortunately I have never been in this situation. I f it were really to
happen - I do not know. I could imagine hitting him - but not
shooting. Not the ultimate revenge. Not killing. If I think about it -
I am a nice guy. Perhaps I would become less nice. But no REAL violent
6. NO!!!! People are the only animal who knows that they will die - I
guess -that is bad. They do not know when - and that is good.
7. No - I have difficulties enough coming to terms with myself. And I
already invested a lot. No. Perhaps being borne into a family with a
teeweebit more money - so I could go to university? But I still would
like to be me - just change some circumstance. And yes - when we are
talking about that - I would like that dad talked to me again....
8. Easy - my backup tapes. That is were I have most of my music,
poetry and pictures, and all of my friends in PT. 

Love to the room and the editors - keep up this wonderful work.
Up close and personal answers submitted by Mamma Tat's hubby, BJ

1 - No I would not like to be the president. Even if I am straight
forward and honest, I wouldn't be able to do anything because I would
be vetoed constantly by the politicians in Congress.
2 - Hmmm ... tough question. Since all is going bad right now. I like
the fact that I am back in Canada with a family that loves me. I hate
the direction my life is going in right now, but hopefully it won't be
going that way for long.
3 - I was 9 when I lost me virginity. A 14 - year - old girl decided
to give me a crash course on the birds and the bees.
4 - Watching an execution? Depends on the situation. If it was someone
from the same area as me, and was guilty of violent crimes I would. If
it was someone on the other side of the country, then no. I would just
be giving ratings to production companies who are broadcasting for
5 - Hell yea !!! Who cares about the consequences. I would treat
him/her the same as the victim.
6 - Yes I would like to know the date of my death. That way I could
make sure to go and do all things I ever wanted to and never thought I
had the time for. Besides, I hate surprises.
7 - I really can't think of anyone I would rather be.
8 - I would save nothing. It wouldn't be worth the risk for material
possessions. Unless one of my loved ones was hurt then I would run in
and grab the first aid kit.

Submitted by: BJ
Up close and personal Answers submitted by Mamma Tat's cuz, Corinnie

1 - Yes I would like to be the president, and I'd change the green
room to the blue room so people would be cool and calm instead of
jealous and power hungry.
2 - I like my home and my family. I hate my job (my bosses)
3 - I was 14 when I lost my virginity. Unwillingly I might add
4 - Yes I would watch if it was lethal injection. I couldn't stomach
the electric chair though.
5 - Yes I would seek revenge. I believe in an eye for an eye in this
case. You never know if they'll do it again, maybe to someone else in
your family.
6 - No I wouldn't want to know the date of my own death. I'd be too
paranoid to make the most of my days, I'd surely miss something, or
I'd know I was leaving my children motherless too soon.
7 - No, I can't think of anyone who's problems I would want to inherit
along with their fame.
8 - I would save my prom dress because of the memories it holds of a
different place and time from which I am now.

Websites from a few of our "Family" members for you to check out!
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Until next we meet, whether it be in the PT, or coming to you through
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Have a GREAT weekend!
FreddieB & Alladdinn
Editors PT News