AHHHHHHHH the spirit. the mynd. what we all need to survive . . . well . . . most of the time at least. spirit is center. the soul. that is where the good meets evil and both f ight constantly to remain in control . . . my belief of course.
a war bet ween the two
Its Nature form is the
Divine Soul stuff that links all life together. It is the synthesis of the Elements
and the directions. In human life, this is the spiritual realm and the dimension of the
Divine in its many forms. In connecting with
this direction, pay attention to the core of your being -- your inner Self. Honor the
Divine as you know it -- Goddesses, Gods,
Nature Spirits, Ancestors, Spiritual Guides, Love, Unity in Diversity. Connect with
balance, harmony, beauty, wholeness,
integrity, and bliss. Healing modalities include dreamwork, inner journeys, understanding
inner guidance worship, ecstatic
dance, drumming, chanting, invocations, vision quests, and spiritual service . . . but havok can be so much fun! While the
soul sleeps, the inner daemon we all have comes out to play. At night, people are
more afraid. At night, people are more frisky and willing to sin . . . if you
believe in sinning. the darke side isnt always bad. it gives you those
impulses we all need now and again . . . and its those impulses taht lets us have the fun
we deserve.
By becoming a monster . . . one learns what it is to be human. and we all need our darke side and are light side to sur vive . . .
Follow the Gatekeeper to the Gate . . .