Here I have posted a few tables to aid in cracking these locks. If you know any
Part of the combination you can use the tables below to narrow the possibilities down to 100
Combinations (that's better than 64,000). (Ex. says you know that your lock's 3rd number is 17.
Just go down through the tables and find the one with 17 as a third number, that�s Group 2) now just
Start going through the combinations. 1-3-17, 1-7-17, 1-11-17... And so on. The lock will
Eventually come apart.
If you don't know any part of the combination visit This site. He gives a nice
explanation of the way to get the third number. (I just didn't feel like typing it out.) He also has some nice links. But he dosen't have This one. This guy gives Very detailed explanations of older locks like this is baised on and the newer locks.