PAWS Bear Club, Manchester

Great British Bear Bash '98!

Cost: Sharing room - £95 (£5 less for PAWS/BearHug/BCUK
members). Own room - £120 (no discount for members).
No registrations accepted after 31st March. Please state a room-mate &
enclose applications together if possible, or we will allocate room-mates
for you!

One person per application, please!
Make as many copies of this as you'd like. Give them to friends as gifts!




Telephone __________________________________________________

Club Affiliation (if any)_________________________________________

Room-mate (if known) _________________________________________

Special Requirements (e.g. vegetarian)______________________________

T-shirt size: XXLg___ XLg___ Lg___ Med___ Sml___

Enclosed is my payment of ____________ (sterling only, cheques made
payable to PAWS)

I certify that I am over the age of 18 and will not hold PAWS Bear Club
responsible for any injury or loss of property.


Return form to:
PAWS, 90 Kielder Square, Eccles New Road, SALFORD, M5 4UW.