Keep FC on our sponsors!

Topic One---Topic Two---Topic Three---Topic Four---Topic Five

Topic One
Page Content Guidelines

You cannot remove any of the banners that FortuneCity has inserted onto your pages.

Do not use your web space for providing material that is grossly offensive to the Web community including blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity . Promoting or providing instructional information about illegal activities, or promoting physical harm or injury against any group or individual

Pages can not contain, or contain links to, any of the following: copyrighted material, nudity (nudity in art, sculptures is acceptable as long as it is not explicit), sex, pornography, tasteless images, foul language, hate propaganda, MP3 files, anything illegal, illegal software, serial numbers, mail fraud, pyramid schemes or be insulting to another person(s) or Company. This includes anything considered Adult material.

FortuneCity reserves the right to delete any page it deems unacceptable for any reason without prior notice.

No commercial pages promoting or describing any kind of business

No advertising banners of any kind apart from CDnow Cosmic Credit, Link Exchange or Web Ring

You must not use your web space for 'data warehousing' - using the space as storage for large files which are only linked from other sites. You must provide a reasonable amount of content to accompany such material in order that at least some of the traffic to your site comes directly via us.

We do not allow the posting of MP3 format files on our server. This is due to constant abuse and posting of copyright material which resulted in a number of threats of legal action by the copyright owners. Anyone posting MP3 files to our server will be removed and banned from using our service.

A valid email must remain on your page(s) or it will be removed.

Pages are subject to removal, if there is no activity (hits or edits) on the page for 60 days.

Topic Two
Putting a Counter on your page

To insert a counter onto your page you need to put the following code

Where "username" is replaced by the username you have chosen for Fortunecity and the "xxx" is replaced by a unique three digit number of your choice. If my username is "Homer" then my counter code would be as follows

You can have as many counters on as many different pages as you want, as long as each one has a different three digit number to identify it. If you username has spaces in it such as "Homer Simpson" then the spaces must be replaced by a full stop (.) in the counter code, otherwise the counter will not work correctly

How to put a clock on your page

Follow the procedure as you would to put a counter on you page but add in the following code


How to put a date on your page

Follow the procedure as you would to put a counter on you page but add in the following code


Topic Three
How to put a Guestbook on your page

To set up a guestbook go to the following URL:

ie. if your USERNAME is cyberdude, then you would goto the URL

Once there you will be asked to enter your PASSWORD. Once you have entered the correct PASSWORD your guestbook is automatically set up. The URL for people to leave messages is

ie. if your USERNAME is cyberdude, then you would goto the URL

Click here to see an example of the page where you leave a message.

and the URL to view the messages is

ie. if your USERNAME is cyberdude, then you would goto the URL

Click here to see an example of the page where you read the messages.

There is also an admin URL, that allows you to search through and delete your messages. This is

ie. if your USERNAME is cyberdude, then you would goto the URL

Topic Four
How do I use FTP to trasfer my files

First of all you need an FTP program such as Cute_FTP or Fetch. If you do not have one you can get them for free from

If you have the program you must use the following details:

Hostname -
PASSWORD - your FortuneCity PASSWORD

You will be dropped directly into your folder, where you can upload, download, delete and rename your files. You cannot create subdirectories.

If you have more than one home (using the same USERNAME), the FTP client will only recognise that you have one and you will have to upload to the other using the File Manager.

If you do not have an FTP application, you can FTP using Netscape 2.0 or above. To do this enter the following URL in the location bar

ftp://UserName:[email protected]

ie. If your details are as follows

USERNAME - cyberdude PASSWORD - abc123

You would put the following URL

ftp://cyberdude:[email protected]

To upload files simply drag them into the Netscape window and they will upload automatically.

If you have any further questions please contact [email protected]

Topic Five
Last but not least is the question most asked

I can' view my page when I click on my link.

Most often then not people forget the fact as stated in both the FAQ and the Welcome letters that you must title you foremost front page index.html for you and others to be able to find your page from the street. If your page is not titled this then neither you nor anyone else will be able to access you page

If you need further help and either do not get a prompt response from support staff or would rather request help from one of your District Ministers feel free to contact any of us at any given time and we will do our best to do what we can to help you or find out from another source the information that you need. Sometimes Support staff is quite bogged down with other things so your best bet might be to try us first as we are more likely to be able to get the information for you quicker than they might. You can find all of our e-mail addresses in any number of places such as the Newsletter page...the Front Page of the District in the Village or on any of our Minister pages.

Last updated 11/08/99