As I was reading through the mission statements of some of the other Ministers, I was struck by one main genure of subject matter - which is, we are a Community.

What does that mean to me? Well, it is a culmination of all types of people, building a safe haven for those that reside within its boundaries. That means, we all have to help. We can not depend on others to always work the hardest - we all must help.

While I am a Minister in The Village district, I hope to be able to contribute useful ideas, helpful hints and a friendly face for all those around me - not just for The Village, but for all the districts in Fortune City.

And this is where I ask for your help. Because we would like Fortune City to be a friendly atmosphere for all, it would certainly show great community spirit, to voice your opinions - but in a constructive way, without bashing the system, the ministers or the residents. If you have a complaint about something - that's all well and good, but if you can't give a good suggestion as to how it could be made better, then what good is complaining?

I would really welcome all your comments - feel free to e-mail me with suggestions of how Fortune City and The Village can be made a better place for all of us.

Please remember that Fortune City is a place for all people - no matter what Ethnic, Religious or Sexual Orientation they are. Let's continue to build a community of love and warmth and welcome our neighbors around us with smiles and cheerfulness. We are like the pioneers when they first came to America in some respects, we are forging a new world on the Internet is the only difference. Back then people helped their neighbors build their homes and communities. Let's all do the same now in building our new world at Fortune City.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please e-mail me if you need help or want to make a suggestions.